9 | Red is the Color

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After taking a brisk and well-needed shower, I stood on top of the bathroom rug; murdering most of the tiny droplets one at a time. The stream from the hot shower is built up, and glaze over the side of my face like sweat. My cunt pulverized and my heart wrench with hunger, as my stomach stir at the thought. I'm out of breath just thinking about it. Did I truly find a new me, or was this person hidden in me...all along?

I comb my hair, dreaming of fingers raking through my locks. A delicious feeling charged after my knees and I tremble, seemingly becoming weak. I've never wanted someone to dominate me so severely in my entire life.

The knocking pounding on the door stops my heart, then allows me to breathe. I'm sure it wasn't actually pounding. I'm just being over dramatic as usual. "Hey, Lauren do you know when you're going to get out?...I have to get ready to like...work a night shift." Being in shocked, I quickly shed out of my faze, and tightly link the towel around me. I opened the door to see the curly-haired guy leaning against the frame with his arm and an awkward, thin-lip smile.

"Sorry," I uttered pathetically, avoiding eye contact with his green eyes. His seems more powerful than mines at the moment. "Our water bill going to be..."

"–high," he finishes the joke with a slight nod. Okay, now the silence is slicing me into pieces. "Hey–are things good with you and Ms. Hamilton?" he asked, his voice dripping with concern and sincerity. "You kind of been acting weird every since you left work."

I should probably tell him...

"Yeah, things are good...things are escalating." His left eyebrow swiftly perks up with an expecting face, "Yes, things are good between us..." I fix the towel.

It takes him a while before he–"Oh...oh! oh, oh my god. You're about to...wow. It's going to happen, isn't it?" his grinning face falter, "Wait. What about the liking her situation?..." I release a deep and mean sigh, slipping pass him. I head into my room.

"I'm just going to act as if I don't...like her," I push in my drawer after finding the brand new lace panties I brought, "I'm just going to use lust from now on."

Harry watches me. I avoid his kind eyes and downed expression. I'd already organize my outfit, which is on the bed. I'm just...stalling right now. "It's going to be alright. I-I mean...it's not like you are deep into her already. You barely even know the woman," he dryly chuckles with some sense of humor.

"You're right, Harry," I simply say, facing him, "I don't know why I'm so worked up. We only took a trip to paris, spent some quality time together, then she had sex with me like she missed me. I'm totally going to wash my feelings away by tonight."

His lips part then close, "I didn't mean it like that. I meant..."

"I know what you meant, and trust me I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at myself." I turn my head away, "I mean, I am stupid for falling so quickly." Before Harry could rush to my rescue, I said, "I need to get ready. Don't worry, Harry, I already have a plan."

"You really think lust is going to win over lov–"

"–it's not love...I just...like her very much. Please, Har, I got this," I almost begged.

Eventually he turns and head into the bathroom, and I'm sure whatever I said didn't convince him. Hell, it didn't convince me but I'm going to try. If she can act like she doesn't feel the same way I do. Then it time I do the same...

𝐌𝐬. 𝐇𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐭𝐨𝐧 | 𝖱𝖺𝗍𝖾𝖽-𝖱Where stories live. Discover now