"They're moving. You wanna feel?" Sam asked. Dean backed away from the bed and pulled his shirt down over and over in nervousness.

"I don't think-I shouldn't be-I don't think so."

"Oh c'mon Dean. You should at least give them some attention before they come." Sam said. Dean smirked that uncomfortable smirk he makes when he doesn't know how to respond to something. Especially to feel his baby brothers' pregnant belly. He's been weirded out enough the last two months, he'll wait to touch them until they're born.

"I'm good, thanks." Dean responded. He zipped his bag shut before helping his brother to his feet, off the bed and into the library to sit at the long table and doing more research on the vampire nest.

"You said you'll be okay. You'll be okay, right?" Gabe asked, arms around his Winchester as Sam nodded his head and kissed Gabe on the cheek.

"I'll be okay. I promised my brother, now I promise you. I will be fine."

Gabe kissed Sam on the lips and put his forehead with Sam's. "I'm only a prayer away." Gabe whispered.

Sam looked up to his angel. He didn't know if he was imagining things or if it was the pregnancy but he saw Gabe as his grace; dulled enough he can see Gabe in the eyes and the golden aura of his grace with golden lightning cross hatching around four wings that sprouted from his back. Sam's heart melted at the beautiful sight; knowing he carried something just as beautiful within him.

"I can see your grace." Sam said breathlessly.

"It's the grace you carry. The veil is thinnest when you're about to give birth to a nephilim. Pieces of the grace stay behind in the womb so you'll be able to see this from now on. Comes in handy when you Winchester's are ganking monsters." Gabe added. Sam smiled, putting a hand to his back as he rose out of his seat and leaned against the strength his angel possessed with his arms around Gabe's neck. He felt safe yet strong just being near his angel's grace. He knew he was in good hands.

"Just a prayer away?" Sam asked, chin resting on the angel's head. Gabe closed his eyes and took in the scent of his pregnant hunter.

"Just a prayer away." Gabe repeated.


Baby was loaded up as everyone waved goodbye to Sam who stood just outside the door to see them leave. The last thing that the younger hunter sees is Baby collecting dust on her paint as they drove down the dirt driveway. The last thought that went through his head was to keep the baby in until Gabe came back; no matter how bad the contractions got.

Sam turned on his heel to go back inside and that's when the first of many began.

It wasn't enough to cause huge amounts of pain, just enough to make him stop whatever he was doing and ride it out. Gripping the handrail for balance, he breathed through the contraction and it ended as fast as it came. Sam cupped the underside of his belly, feeling the rock-hard muscle that contracted and released under his hand. He sucked in a sigh before releasing it and took a second to compose himself before walking back to his bedroom. Turning on the TV for background noise, he stripped down to the best of his pregnant ability to take a steaming bath. Not usually a man for baths, but his back needed something soothing while his feet couldn't take standing for much longer.

The hunter lowered himself into the near boiling temperatures of the water but it was perfect to soothe his achy muscles. Carrying so much weight in so little time took a toll on his once perfect body. Sam giggled at the sight of his belly protruding from the top of the water. He put his hands on top of the mound as the child within wriggled at the feeling of extra warmth surrounding them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2019 ⏰

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