Chapter 11

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Bryn's POV
"So you're telling me that my dad is the one that got me kidnapped?" Kristie's eyes started to open wider as I spoke to her, but I have NO idea where she got the idea that her dad is the one that got her kidnapped

"I never said that," I pulled the lever and leaned back in my car seat, putting my hands behind my head and turning my head to the side to look at her

"Then what are you really telling me?" She asked, I could see tears welling up in her eyes

"I said that you're father is a drug dealer, and if you ever wondered how he made his money then now you know."

"How do you even know this?" I could see the pain behind her eyes, emotions that she was trying to suppress

I sighed and covered my face with my hands, I can't just tell her to mind her business, because she's involved in it, as well as her dad.

I know Emilio, I worked with him just when I was just starting out after I turned to my uncle for help and since then he's changed a lot, then I broke it off with him and started working by myself instead because Emilio was starting to become selfish. I saw him change a lot, his attitude, his demeanor, and his look. And yes I started working from a young age.

"He works for my uncle." I flatly said

"Your uncle?"

"Yes," I looked at her, "The one that kidnapped you."

I watched as her body tensed up and she started to claw at her leg. Just then I pulled my seat up and took out my phone dialing a number, it rang once, then twice,

"Ma open the garage door now."

I impatiently watched as the garage door slowly rose until it finally stopped, then I drove up into the garage and hopped out of the car, letting the garage door back down and going to the passenger side and opened the door,

"I know you don't trust me after what I just told you but you need to come with me."

She stared up at me hesitant at first then she quickly rose and followed me as I ran through the side door

"Ma!" I shouted

"What's the matter?" My mom said sounding worried as she ran into the room

"Uncle's coming."

"What?! Here?! Now?!" My mother was shocked, "But he never came here before."

"Listen this is Kristie, and if he sees her then both of us are dead," my mother's hands went to her head, "I'll explain when he's gone, just go and hide her."

My mother nodded and gestured for Kristie to follow her

"And Kristie," I stopped them, she looked back at me, "Don't fucking move."

She nodded and followed my mother

Why does this man have to be so wicked? I shook my head.

Kristie's POV
I feel as if everywhere I turn bad luck follows me, why would someone want to do something like this, and it is as if people are too afraid of him to call the police or something.

But noo, he had to just be a psychopath that kidnapped me and blamed it on my granddad

And my fucking father, he's supposed to be my protector and he's working for the same man that's going to end up killing me eventually. I can't deal with whatever is going on, I just want to die... maybe I should just walk up there and hand myself over.

It'll be better than being down here,

I was sat in a small room underneath the stairs in the basement, it was dark, creepy and wet, why the fuck is it wet?!

I was cold and I was trying to avoid the drops coming from above me, and I was miserably failing.

Just then the steps board above me creaked, my head snapped up and immediately I got quiet. My heart started to beat fast in my chest and I tried my hardest to steady my shaky breathing. The footsteps got closer and closer until finally they seized.

I sank into the darkness of the corner, slowly sliding down onto the floor, my hands tight around my mouth to suppress any unwanted sounds that was trying to get out.

Just then the door flung open, and a very confused looking Bryn stared at me as I curled myself up in a tight ball in the dark corner.

"Really?" He arched his eyebrow

"Shut up dude, I was scared."

I got up and pushed pass him, assuming that his uncle was gone because of how calm he was.

"We need to talk." He said and I saw the concern in his eyes,

I'm not falling for whatever this man has to say, he's the nephew of the man that's trying to kill me! How am I supposed to trust him. I folded my arms,

"Oh yes we do, and you have so much goddamn explaining to do."

"And who the fuck are you to be demanding me."

"There's only two of us in this conversation" I sneered sarcastically

"Watch who you talking to little girl, I ain't one of your friends and definitely not one of your little boyfriends."

I turned to walk away

"Where you going?!"he shouted after me

"Mind your busi-"

Before I got to finish my sentence, a pair of strong hands grabbed me, yanked me back and held me against the wall.

His body rested against mine and his arm rested on my chest keeping my back against the wall

"Listen to me, I am getting sick and tired of your bullshit. You don't trust me? Fine then don't trust me, just know that if I wanted to kill your ass I would've done it long before."

I shivered as he released his hold on me,

"I'm sorry."

I watched him as he started his way up the stair,

"Go in the car, we're going to my place."

"Your place?" I was confused, wasn't this his place? "where?"

"In the country."

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