Chapter 5

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Kristie's POV
I walked out of the bathroom and into the hallway on my way to Bianca's room, I wanted answers and I could not wait to hear them and I didn't even care that I was still in my towel, I just went.
"Kristie Kristie Kristie." I heard Bryn say. I stopped dead in my tracks 'the heck is he still doing here! I spent eternity in the bath.' I screamed internally, I turned to him,
"Bryn!" I faked enthusiasm,"I didn't even know that you was still here and why the hell are you in my pants?!"My voice changed, I stood there eyeing him in my favorite sweatpants; they were because they were big and comfortable and seeing this stranger in them triggered me.

"Rude." He said, then he looked down,"oh are these yours? Its nice."

"Well okay I would know that take it off, its mine." I said reaching one of my hands out,

"You want it now?" He asked, "but it's so comfortable."

"Sucks to be you." I said my face straight waiting for him to remove my clothing from his body,

"I don't think so Kris," he said blankly, then he started to take the pants off slowly, and it was only after the pants passed his V-line that I realised that he wasn't wearing boxers,...'a very bad decision.' I looked as he finished taking his pants off; he's huge, I then snapped back to earth and turned my head.

"You are so sick." I said through gritted teeth.

"You asked for it." He said walking pass me and going into Bianca's room. Ughhh psycho ass. I turned and made my way back into my room, I guess now I'll have to wait.
Bianca's POV
I was sitting on my bed bra less and only in my shirt and panties,
"Bryn you need to leave, before Kristie suspects something." I said

"Suspect what? That I constantly bruise up your insides because you fuck up all the time?" He asked rhetorically

"If she finds out about that, I'm living on the streets," I rolled my eyes

"She knows about that,...except the last part and for your constant pleading of me to leave...I'm going to stay here tonight, I mean your auntie's on a business trip is she?"

"But Kristie would be fuming." I said shaking my head. He moved closer to me and pulled off my shirt,
"She won't mind," he said pushing me back onto the bed and sliding my panties across, "besides you owe me for slapping me in my face." He said before he roughly thrust into me.
"Oh gosh!"

Kristie's POV
I sat on my bed reading an interesting book I had found in the basement library yesterday, when I was reading the book earlier, it was hard to concentrate due to the fact that Bianca and Bryn were busy I guess, after hearing her screaming whispers, I'm pretty sure that the neighbours heard them. Sigh this was not acceptable, she was so young. I was comfortably reading when I heard a knock on my door...well a bang it sounded like, so I slowly went to the door and peeped out,
"I thought you had left a while ago," I lied so he would get the memo that I do not want to be bothered
"No no I'm staying the night." Woahh wooahh wait wait what?

"Wtf did you just tell me?!" I turned slowly my facial expressions changing,

"I said I'm stating the night."

"I fucking heard you the first time." I shouted, but he just stared at me and I watched as his eyes started to change into a shade of black, I immediately humbled; suddenly I heard keys jingling and footsteps coming up the steps, shit shit shit! I grabbed Bryn by his vest and pulled him into my room.

"Ms. Nisna?" I shouted down

"Yes dear?" She replied

"Who sent you?" I asked suspiciously

"Oh your mother called and told me that her neighbours called her job complaining about some noise, so she told me to check on it."

"Oh it's okay Ms. Nisna, Bianca and I just had a little argument and it resulted in us throwing harsh words at each other. I'm really sorry." I lied, I hate lying

"OK dear I'll go and call me if anything happens, ok?"

"Ok Ms. Nisna." I waved and watched as she climbed down the stairs.
All of this was going to my head,
"So I guess the suspicion about the neighbours hearing y'all loud asses was true, huh?" I plopped down next to Bryn on my bed,

"What are you talking about?" He asked,

"You tryna play dumb with me now after all the racket y'all made about two hours ago, I couldn't even fucking read my book properly without hearing a whisper scream." I stared at him intensely through my glasses...that I forgot I was wearing, I took them off and threw them beside the book I was reading before,
"Oh yep that! I told her that she needs to quieten down but this might of got her stuck." He said patting his pants, I rolled my eyes,
"Well Y'ALL were noticed by the neighbours," I said emphasizing on the word 'y'all' "and do you even know how old she is? I mean he is only 17!"
"Only 17?" Bryn started to laugh falling back onto my bed clutching his stomach, I just sat there looking at him like he was crazy, "Kristie at 14 years old I was banging chicks younger than me and smacking strippers' asses down at the 'Magtie 18 and Over Club' ...Kristie 17 isn't bad." He said, at 14 though? Man he really he sick.
"Well listen to me, just because you threw your Virginity out the window at 14 doesn't mean others want their's to be threw out too," I said as I stood standing up
"Well maybe she wanted it to be gone." He said smartly,
"You know for someone I hardly know I hate you. Now to escort you to the door and out my fricking room!" I said leading him to the door,
"Thanks for the room BTW." He said as he passed me, I slammed the door as soon as he was out.
Fricking nuisance.

Being His Hostage {BWWM} (Discontinued until further notice)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora