a visit from pitch

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Allison's POV

I was reading when suddenly the lights went out. I heard a voice say " how are you liking your stay with the guardians moons daughter? I hope they are treating you well. I know I would." I frowned, I remembered that voice. It was pitch. " what do you want pitch?!" I say. " all I want is for you to know you can trust me, not the guardians. " I had to laugh at that." What makes you think I trust them? And why should I trust you?!" I heard him laugh. " well you clearly trust jack and he's a guardian. I hope you know that he only pretends to be nice to you. He's just doing what the guardians asked." I knew this wasn't true so I didn't say anything about it. What I did say was " And why should I trust you? You killed my parents! " " no I didn't, I chased away the person who murdered your parents. And I only hit you with black sand because you hit me, and because I knew you wouldn't come willingly with me." At that I felt something hit my head, and I blacked out. I wasn't in a dream state like what pitch put me in the first time. I was really knocked out.

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