False Mirrors.

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Suho's journey didn't take him as long as he'd expected. He had managed to speed at least half the trip and still manage to not get caught or followed by a police car. He was relieved.
There was an eerie mood as Suho drove the car off Bugaksan road and down a narrow, cobbled passage to where he hoped he'd be reunited with his boss. The trees towered over him like ghosts, tall and dark, almost like silhouettes. He drove slowly, making sure his hand didn't slip from nerves and end him up in a tree trunk with a broken car. He had reached an opening, a sudden large area of land and buildings compared to the tight drive just before it. He looked down at the GPS to see what building it was that had come up when the coordinates were put in. It was a pale blue, at least that's what it showed on the map, but in real life, they all looked the same. He went by how far it was from the entrance, counting how many storerooms he had passed and how many more he needed to drive among to reach this one, 'pale blue' building. He stopped when the blue point and the red point were aligned on the satnav in front of him, stopping outside a sky-high storage lot. He paused, rethinking whether he got the answer right, whether he should've waited until the morning, wondering if he should've told the other members first so they could think of a safer way to approach the situation rather than Suho going it alone. Nevertheless, he got out of the car. The sharp, cold wind hit his cheeks first, making them almost instantly turn to ice. He hardly had to push the car door back closed as a giant gust of wind did it for him already.
He gazed up at the building, a warehouse over double the size of his current home and yet only inhabited by one person. There was a large door, large enough to fit a full-sized lorry through and inside without much difficulty, next to it a smaller, human-sized entrance. He loitered over, almost allowing the noise of stones under his shoes to finish their crunch before taking the next step. He took out his mobile and turned on the torch, taking a deep inhale before trying at the handle. A swirl of smoke, just like the tobacco he had used previously, escaped his mouth as he breathed out in relief when the handle opened the door. He pushed the heavy metal open, shining his phone inside in search of life. There seemed to be nothing, not even a sound of movement, just boxes piled on boxes along large metal shelving. He waited for a while, stood peering into the warehouse like an impatient toddler trying to find his mother.
He was just about to close the door, leave the dark storage lot and return home when he heard a cough.
"Boss?" He said quietly, hoping the echoed atmosphere would carry his voice to Kyungsoo if it was him who coughed. Suho's feet treaded forwards, the further he seemed to look, the more weird shapes emerged from the dark depths.
"Kyungsoo?" He said louder, desperate for a reply so he would stop being frightened of the unsuspecting. It was the first time that Suho had said D.O's name since the debut of their group when robbing a bank for the first time. They had been close when they were young, Suho and D.O. They were like brothers; friends since high-school and stayed in contact through their crimes. It was like the only thing that kept them together was something that could take them far apart.
"I knew you'd come." He heard a voice say, a voice that belonged to a friend so dear to him; D.O. He was stood to the side of him, approaching Suho from behind metallic shelving and switching on the main lights. His face and his body were the same, a little thinner if Suho was being critical, but he had not changed from the months they had been apart. His face was pawed with mud like he'd been sleeping in dirt before he found his comfortable habitat, his hair now hanging over his forehead instead of flat against his scalp in response to his haircut. A deep blue, denim jacket hung over his shoulders, comfortably oversized and crinkled from sleep and long sessions of wearing it. He also had stolen one of Chanyeol's tank tops and was wearing it across his torso, the material lose above his skin and not tight like it was on the previous owner. Suho smiled, admiring his slight change in appearance from well-dressed to almost homeless. They came together in an embrace, Suho patting Kyungsoo's shoulder like they were old mates meeting in a pub with a decade detox from each other.
"I've missed you." He said wholeheartedly, a pulse-like squeeze coming from Kyungsoo's hand and into his shoulder as naturally as wind passing through the branches of a tree.
"Smells like you've missed smoking too," Kyungsoo replied in a motherly tone. They separated their embrace, Suho's cheesy smile disappearing and being replaced with a guilty look. D.O was the only person who truly knew the whole story of Suho's past, his addictions and terrible mistakes, numerous arrests, and fuck-ups with girls. Being the only one who knew made Kyungsoo feel responsible for Suho like he had to keep an extra eye on him so his past wouldn't torture him again.
"Suho, you know-"
"I won't do it again. I've learned my lesson, I swear. I just needed something to take my mind off things." He felt like he was begging D.O, he wouldn't be surprised if he began to crawl onto his knees and pray at him at this rate. He was well aware what he was bringing himself into when putting the stick of tobacco between his lips and inhaling the poison that almost killed him a few years ago. But with his mind trapped between running away to find D.O or going back and fixing together a group he knew would fall apart, he had no choice but to surrender.
Although Kyungsoo was disappointed to witness a man he had such faith in, submit himself back to what he knew ruined his life, he was still delighted to see him again. He was worried that whoever found the car would struggle to figure out the clues he had left them as a direct pinpoint to his destination, scared that he'd be alone in an abandoned warehouse for months before one of his members came for him. But he knew, really, he knew that it would be Suho who would find him, come to him first and be with him instead of the group. As daunting as Kyungsoo found the situation: for one of his own to break rules he had set in place, he was pleased that Suho chose him over the group.

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