"It's your fault"

Start from the beginning

"Dad!" Lauren groaned, at the same time as Chris choked on a forkful of peas.

Well, the party was a go. And they would have to make sure not to come back too early.


It was interesting, Lauren mused, how different people's relationships with their slaves could be – even here, in her little group of friends. The dismissive, condescending way Lucy treated Keana, without ever questioning it. Hailee fond kindness towards Niall, her pride in his skills and natural charm. Normani's  closeness with Dinah, her fierce protectiveness clear in the way she kept her eye on her girl from across the room.

Lauren's  own forbidden bond with Camila.

They kept it on the down low here at the party, neutral friendliness being an attitude Lauren aimed for and Camila adopted seamlessly without a word exchanged, but Lauren wondered what her friends would say if they knew the truth. They'd all heard by now how Camila had come to live with the Jaureguis, and apart from Liam occasional crude remark, they accepted that Lauren hadn't bought Camila to have any sort of relations with her. She suspected most of them would be more or less supportive if they learned about the newest developments though. But it was not the time to test it. Not yet.

Besides, Chris was here, and while Lauren knew her family had to learn about her relationship with Camila soon, this was not the way to let them know. SHe even volunteered to be the designated driver tonight to make sure she couldn't be tempted to drink. It would be too easy to slip if she did, especially with Camila in the same room, so close and so lovely.

An hour and a half into the party, Harry's new karaoke machine was the center of attention, everyone taking turns at the microphone, solo and in twos. Lauren had sang Blackbird a while ago and Camila's stunned, affected expression as she watched had filled her with the kind of warm, happy glow that only the appreciation from those important to us brings. It was the first time Camila had really heard her perform, other than some silly little songs hummed at home, and Lauren would be lying if she claimed she hadn't chosen the song with Camila in mind, at least to a degree. Now, sitting on a couch in the corner with a beaming, chattering Dinah, Camila looked enchanted, alive with the music flying so freely here, with all the people and voices and songs. Watching Niall, Hailee s' slave, kill Billionaire in duet with Ty as if they'd sung together for years, Lauren suddenly had an idea. SHe put down her glass of Coke and walked over to the couch.

"Hey Camila," she said, perching on the armrest. "Are you having fun?"

"Oh, yes," Camila said breathlessly. "Everyone's really nice, and Niall is so funny, and Lauren, you were amazing."

Lauren beamed. "Thank you. How would you like to go up there and sing?"

Camila's  eyes widened. "Oh, I don't know if it's proper–"

"Niall is singing," Lauren pointed out. "I'm sure Dinah could sing too?" She looked at the blonde and she bounced excitedly on the couch.

"Oooh, yes! I'll ask Mistress!" She was gone in a blink, making a beeline to Normani, and Lauren looked pleadingly at Camila.

"Will you sing? Please? For me? I would love to hear you, you have such a lovely voice."

Camila blushed and nodded slowly. "If it pleases you... I will. For you."

Niall and Ty had just finished their song and Dinah was at the microphone now, starting on a happy, bubbly song that Lauren had never heard before. Normani's  dark eyes as she watched her were softer and filled with more emotion than Lauren had ever seen on her before. Maybe she wasn't alone in her feelings, after all.

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