Chapter 1 : Dead Body Hunting

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I hear the rattling of the keys intruding the front door lock before the door itself it bursts open. I pause, who would be coming home at this hour? The clock beside my bed reading 2am. I brush the papers off my keyboard before shutting my MacBook, walking out of my room and down the hallway, passing my brothers very empty room. I can hear muttering from inside the kitchen and see the lights turned on. As I enter, I see my dad, dressed in his sheriff uniform, completely grilling my twin brother.

"Stiles what have I told you about listening in to my police calls." He sounds angry.

"Not to do it." Stiles replies with a huff of annoyance. Ah classic Stiles Stilinski, you tell him not to do something and he does it anyway.

"What about trying to intervene with my work?" I smirk at him knowingly. He has intervened with dad's crime work. I walk over to one of the cabinets, to my left, and grasping a glass cup before filling it up with cold water from our stainless steel tap.

"What did he do now?" I ask brining the glass of water up to my lips. Stiles gives me an annoyed look as I try not to laugh and choke on my water.

"I was helping the investigation, there was half a dead body in the woods and Scott and I were trying to help find it." Stiles explains in defeat.

"So you admit it, Scott was there too! I can't believe-" But I interrupted him.

"I can't believe you two went dead body hunting without me!" I practically yell. My dad sighs running a hand over his face.

"Excuse me Ember, but you seemed busy and I was in a rush." He replies using his hands in a gesturing manner, "Plus I had to find Scott."

"Wow." I state placing my cup down in annoyance.

"Ok enough, Stiles; do not meddle in my work again." My dad says speaking to Stiles directly. I chuckle before covering my mouth trying to be silent.

"You see Stiles this is why I'm the favourite child." I state with a smirk, turning to exit the room. Just as I get to the barrier of where the kitchen ends and the living rooms begins Stiles speaks up.

"What were you doing up at this late hour?" I turn around to see him leaning on the kitchen bench, his arms crossed and a smirk plastered on his lips.

"Shut up." I mumble stalking out of the kitchen. I him laugh as my dad questions him what I was doing. He only replies with 'I don't know'. He 100% knew what I was doing up there, sorting through files of unsolved murder mysteries since he was the one who stole them for me, followed by photocopying them for me. Well played brother, well played.


We park our beloved blue Jeep in the car park of beacon hills high before preparing ourselves for the new school year, and by we I mean Stiles and myself.

"Ready?" Stiles ask staring out the front windshield of the Jeep.

"Ready." I reply doing the exact same thing. We climb out, grabbing our bags and heading towards the front steps of the school. I see Scott McCall standing to the right of the pathway looking out for someone, I'm guessing it's us. As soon as my eyes locked with his he waved us over with a confused expression creating an uneasy feeling in my stomach. Stiles had told me in the car ride here that Scott had messaged him late last night. Apparently he was complaining of some animal bite.

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