Chapter 1: Welcome to So Cal!!

Start from the beginning

"I love you too, dad!" I said smiling, as we shared a hug.

"My sweetheart. Do good in school. Don't go to EVERY party" My mom said.

"Ok mom. I love you" I said as I let go of my dad and wrapped my mom in a hug.

"I love you too, sweetheart" My mom said passionately.

"Have fun!" My dad said smiling.

"I will! See you guys soon!" I said smiling as I blew a kiss to them.

My parents got back in the car, and drove off to their hotel that they are staying in. I picked up my last box and went up to my room. As I got out of the elevator, I ran into a guy, and dropped my box.

"Oh" I said shocked as I bent down to pick up my box.

"Oops. My bad" The guy said.

"It's fine. Don't worry about it" I said smiling as I grabbed my box and stood back up.

The guy took a quick look at me, and smiled.

"Well, shit. You're cute" The guy said.

"Oh! Uh... thanks" I said smiling.

"No problem. What's your name?" The guy asked smiling.

"My name's Julian. You?" I said.

"Julian... Julian... that sounds familiar... huh. But anyway, my name is Kai" The guy said.

"Nice to meet you, Kai" I said smiling.

"Nice to meet you too!" Kai said smiling.

"Well, I gotta get this last box to my room. So... see you around?" I asked.

"See you!" Kai said smiling.

I walked down the hall as Kai got in the elevator. I put my last box on my desk, and sat on my bed. Shortly, I heard the door open, and I went out into the hall, and a girl greeted me excitedly.

"Oh my gosh! Hey! You must be one of my roommates! I'm Lauren! Nice to meet you!" Lauren said smiling.

"Hi! I'm Julian. Nice to meet you" I said smiling.

"I'll give you a tour of the house. Come on!" Lauren said smiling as she grabbed my arm, and dragged me to the living room.

"Okay, so this is the living room... and there's the kitchen... and that's pretty much it" Lauren said smiling as she points to the desired section of the dorm.

"This place is actually huge! We have this place to ourselves?" I asked.

"Ha! I wish. This school's in a housing crunch. We share this house with two other guys, and two other girls" Lauren said smiling.

"Cool! That sounds exciting" I said smiling.

"Well, I'm pretty sure you know where your room is, so I won't show you that" Lauren said smiling.

I giggled for a second.

"Are you coming to the Welcome Week Beach Bash?" Lauren asked me.

"The what?" I replied.

"Welcome Week Beach Bash! Every year, the school throws this giant beach bash at the beginning of the school year. Everybody's gonna be there! You should come!" Lauren said smiling.

"Well, in that case... I'm in!" I said smiling.

"Great! So get ready so we can hit the party! It's already started!" Lauren said smiling.

"Alright" I said smiling.

I took a moment to switch out of my jeans, and put on My American flag swim trunks, and head over to the beach with Lauren.

Love and Serenity: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now