Kat and Devyn pull away from their boyfriends and gives me a look like; we see you boo! Talking to your man!  I tell Colby to text me if he needs to vent. He told me he will. "What did you guys talk about?" Kat asked as we exited the house. "We just talked until y'all had enough will power to leave your boyfriends for a few hours" I roll my eyes. Devyn laughs as we enter my car. "So, for real though what did you and Colby talk about?" Kat asked as a Drake song blasted through the speaker. "We just talked about life" I say. "That's boring" Dev slouches in the back seat. "And I told him to text me if he needs to vent" I tell them. "Aw! Taking care of sad Colbert" Kat said in a baby voice. "You know how I know how he feels" I say leaving their subdivision. "Yeah we do, I mean it's good for Colby that someone like you is in his life" Devyn stated. "Thanks" I say. "You're welcome" Devyn stated.

We reached the beach which was packed. "Damn, why is it so packed?" I asked looking for a spot. "No idea, it is hot out" Kat points out. "Yeah, is Sam going to meet us?" I asked as I find a spot. "Yeah, he still needs to get ready" Kat rolls her eyes. "Well, we can take each other's pictures" I stated. "That'll be great" Devyn smiled. I draped my camera over my neck as Kat and Devyn grabbed their bags and mine as well. The pavement was scorching against my flip flops. "I hope y'all got sunscreen" I say as I instantly started sweating. "I did, because I know you burn" Kat smiled. "You're the best" I smiled. "I try" Kat laughed as she draped a hand around my shoulders.

We found a spot close to the water. I take the camera off my neck and took a picture of the water. "Whoa" I say. The sun made the top of the water glisten like diamonds. "What?" Devyn asked as she spread her towel on the hot sand. "The picture I took of the water is pretty" I say showing the girls. "Wow" Kat's eyes widen. "Right?" I say. "Hey Kat, Sam's calling you" Devyn stated. "Thanks" she says as she answers. "Hey Sam" Kat replied. "That'll be fine" I hear Kat say. "Love you too, Sam" she smiled and hung up. Devyn and I looked at her. "Colby is coming too" Kat smirked at me. I felt my face flush. "Great!" I say. "Let's tan before the boys get here" Devyn says rubbing sunscreen on her. I nodded in agreement as I rub sunscreen on myself. I lay on my towel letting the sun rays cook me like a bacon strip.

Devyn and Kat went into the water to put their feet in. "Hey Ari" Sam said as they approach. "Hey" I smile as I hug the pale boy. "Hey Ariana" Colby smiled. "Hey" I say hugging him. "Where's Devyn and Kat?" Sam asked. "In the water" I say pointing to the two girls. "Thanks" he says taking off his white V-neck shirt and ran to Kat. Colby sat next to me taking off his salmon short sleeve shirt. I could feel my face burn. I didn't realize how toned his stomach was. "It's a nice day out" Colby says. "Y-yeah it is" I say shyly. "Do you have sunscreen?" he asked. "Yeah, here" I say handing him the bottle. "Thanks" he smiled as he puts it on. I lay back down as he lathers up. "You're welcome" I say looking at him through my sunglasses. "I hope you don't mind me tagging along" Colby says laying on Devyn's towel. "Why wouldn't I? It's not like I hate you or something" I joked. Colby laughs as the girls and Sam come back. "How's the water?" I asked. "Cold, very, very cold" Dev says. "I might go in" I say, "I'm sweating" I joked. "Might as well before Sam takes our pictures" Kat stated as I got up. "I won't be long" I say as I walk to the cool water. My heart was still beating super-fast. Seeing Colby shirtless something I wouldn't get use too. I still don't know why someone would hurt someone like Colby.

Five minutes passed until Sam came to get me. "You were daydreaming, weren't you?" Sam asked as he came behind me as I jumped out of my skin. "Geez Sam you scared me, and yes I was" I say. "What were you daydreaming about?" he asked. "Hmm, just daydreaming" I responded. "About Colby?" he asked. "Does everyone know I like him?" I asked. "Well, yeah you make it obvious" Sam laughed as we walk back. I roll my eyes. "Okay, who's going first?" Kat asked as we approach our friends. "I will, since I have my makeup and hair done" I say. "Alright, where's your camera?" Sam asked. "Right here" I say picking up my baby. "Cool" he smiled taking the camera. We walk to the edge of water. I sat down with my feet tucked underneath me. My index finger in my mouth. Sam takes the picture. "Wow, you look like Tana in this" he told me as I look at the photo. "I do" I laughed. We took some more pictures of me and then of Kat, Devyn, and I. Even Colby got into it. He really knows how to pose for the camera. He could be cute and shy, then he could be hot and dangerous in seconds.

Truth or Dare? // c.b (✔︎)Where stories live. Discover now