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You pad through the living room and out onto the balcony, running a towel through your freshly washed hair before relaxing into one of the chairs. You lift your feet and rest your heels against the railing, leaning back in your seat as you watch the city go about their daily lives, completely unaware that any of this was going on. You close your eyes to breathe in the fresh air, and try to piece together some of the things Steve told you with the events that have unfolded.

You tilt your head to the side, noticing Brock approach as you peek out of the corner of your eye. "They've found Cap. He, Natasha, and some guy named Sam are causing a whole hell of a lot of trouble in the middle of the city." He runs a hand down over his face before placing both hands on his hips, his signature stance of authority. "I don't think you should come."

Standing slowly, you ring your hair with the towel one more time before grabbing your gear pack and padding towards the front door. You glance back to see Brock's questioning stare, and simply snap your fingers twice before pointing to the door in mockery of his favored commanding gesture.

He cracks a cocky grin before moving to stand before you, and pulls you close to press his lips possessively to yours. "That's my girl." He moves his lips against yours again, and his teeth playfully nip at your bottom lip before he caresses your cheek to look in your eyes. "We'd better get going."

You nod in agreement and follow his lead to a waiting group of SUVs, the rest of the team already awaiting his arrival.

"The mission is simple: Pierce wants them brought in alive if possible and the Asset is keeping them busy until we arrive. Let's move out." The men all nod before climbing into the vehicles, leaving you and Brock last.

You face him questioningly. "The Asset?"

He purses his lips and glances around before stepping closer to speak in a low voice. "He's also called the Winter Soldier. It's mostly classified, but what I can say is that you need to stay away from him. He's unpredictable and extremely dangerous." He gives you a small kiss on the cheek, and smiles reassuringly as he nods towards the front SUV.

You climb into the passenger seat, as usual, while Brock gets situated in the driver's seat. He tosses your pack in the back, and you glance around questioningly as you realize the SUV is empty other than Brock and yourself.

He shrugs. "You said you'd change on the way, so I ordered an extra SUV for some privacy."

You chuckle softly and give him a quick kiss on the cheek as you climb into the back seat, and quickly begin changing into your combat attire.

Only a few moments pass before you're fully changed, and crawling back into the front seat, making only last minute adjustments to ensure your vest is properly secured.

You notice Brock glance over as you pull your hair back into a bun, his eyes dragging over you slightly before his attention turns back to the road.

You shake your head, noticing the rear view mirror had been adjusted down slightly. "You watched didn't you?"

The corner of his mouth twitches up slightly before he looks over to meet your gaze. "Why would I do that?" He raises a sly brow and slips his bottom lip between his teeth in an unsuccessful attempt to bite back a grin.

You smile and shake your head again, readjusting the rear view mirror as Brock turns his attention back to the road.

The SUV lurches to the side slightly, and you look forward to see wrecked cars lining the street. Brock speeds up slightly, the sound of gunshots sounding off to alert that you're nearing your destination.

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