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You look up from the scope of the rifle, satisfied with your accuracy. You stand up and decide to replace the rifle in the gun cage. As you walk back, you realize that Rumlow is no longer there. You frown slightly, not knowing if he saw you shoot or not. You place the rifle back on the rack, and unclip the 45 from your thigh holster. For some reason, shooting has lost its appeal to you for the day, so you decide you'll just head to your room to change into your gym clothes.

You walk to the elevator and wait patiently after pressing the button. You close your eyes, and take a deep breath, trying to plan out what you wanted to work at the gym today. You feel the hairs on your neck stand ever so slightly, and turn to find Rollins standing just in front of you. You furrow your brows in confusion, "Rollins right? What's up?" You try to be polite, not sure what he wants, or why exactly he looks so angry.

He steps closer to you, leaning down until his face is inches from yours, and glares into your eyes. "You better watch yourself, you may have the boss man on your side, but he won't be around to protect you all the time."

"What are you-" He cuts you off by grabbing your neck, you try to pry his hand away but he tightens his grip.

He pulls you closer so that he's whispering in your ear. "I will NOT be shown up by some little girl." His words are filled with hate, and you actually feel nervous as his fingers dig in to your neck. You gasp at the pain and blink faster trying to think.

The elevator opens, and before either you or Rollins can tell what's happening someone rips him off you. The figure grabs Rollins by the throat and slams him painfully to the ground. You try to see what happens next but you collapse to your knees, your head spinning as you gasp to catch your breath.

You feel a hand on your shoulder and you spin around, hoping it isn't Rollins.

"R-rumlow?" You manage to say between coughs.

Rumlow reaches down and wraps his arm around your waist to hoist you into a standing position. You look over to see Rollins knocked out on the floor, with what looks to be a broken nose and a few bruises on his own neck. You feel Rumlow's fingers trace along your neck briefly, then he snaps his fingers in front of your face to get your attention.

"Hello? I asked are you okay Agent." He's looking at you expectantly, almost worried.

"I'm fi-" Your throat catches and you clear your throat, taking a few breaths. "I'm fine, thanks for that." You motion to Rollins, but he doesn't acknowledge your thanks, he instead turns his attention back to your neck. His arm still around your waist to hold you up, he tucks his other hand gently under your chin to raise and turn your head so he can get a better look. He purses his lips and mutters something under his breath.

"Can you walk alright?" He asks, taking his hand away from your chin.

You nod. "I think so, just a little dizzy from lack of air, I'll be fine." You attempt a chuckle, but it turns into a bit of a cough and you grab your sore throat.

He looks down at Rollins and then back at you. "Come on." He says. Just as you're about to ask what he means, he pulls one of your arms around his strong shoulders and tightens his grip on your waist. You both step into the elevator and he hits one of the buttons, not releasing his grip on you in the slightest.

You're both silent for a while, before Rumlow sighs, and pinches the bridge of his nose with his free hand. "What happened Agent?" He asks, not opening his eyes.

"I don't know.." You admit. "I turned around and he was there, and he just told me that I should watch out because 'boss man' won't be around to protect me all the time." You shake your head and furrow your brows, confused about what he had meant. "Something about.. not wanting to get shown up by a 'little girl'." You scoff at the last part. I'm definitely not a little girl, you think to yourself. You may be a younger agent, and a female, but you held your own against every one of them and deserved to be here. I earned this just like everyone else! You clench your jaw, but the tension hurts your neck and you move your hand up to rub the sore spots.

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