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9 o'clock that night:

You unlock the door to your apartment, yawning as you walk through. You had ended up taking Clint up on his offer to show you a few things with a bow, and you couldn't seem to learn enough. He had ended up telling you to go home so you could start fresh tomorrow, you yawn again as you rummage through your fridge.

You frown as you realize you haven't bought groceries in a while, shrugging you decide to just order pizza. Mine as well indulge a little, haven't had pizza in ages.

You reach for your phone, but hear a knocking at the door. You yawn again as you answer the door, your eyes watering slightly causing you to blink just to see who's standing in front of you.

"I'm sorry did I wake you?" You hear Rumlow ask.

You shake your head and blink a few more times, your vision coming into focus again. "I just got home, Clint was training me and I guess I was a little too excited about learning new stuff." You chuckle as you look at the clock. "Got a little carried away, didn't realize how late it got."

He smiles and scratches the back of his head, the silence drawing on a little awkwardly.

"So..." You speak up. "That training space is pretty impressive."

"Yeah." He nods and clears his throat. "Listen, um...I came over to ask you something."

You furrow your brows, and notice that he's not wearing combats, he's actually sort of dressed up. He's wearing black slacks and a navy button-down with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows.

"What's up Rumlow?" You ask, curiously eyeing his clothing.

"I.." He clears his throat again and scratches his jaw. "Wow, this is harder than I thought." He laughs uneasily.

"You need to come in for a drink? You left that whiskey over here the other night." You step aside to let him in.

He nods slightly and steps inside your apartment, following you to the kitchen. You pour him a glass and he downs it in one gulp.

"Wow, okay. That bad, huh?" You ask, leaning back against the counter next to him.

He sets the glass down and looks at you, running his hand down over his face before finally speaking. "I came to ask you to dinner."

"Really?" You laugh. "You got all worked up over asking me to hangout?" You start to chuckle again but realize he's staring at the floor. "Oh... you're asking me on a date aren't you?..."

"I knew this was a bad idea.." He sighs and starts to walk towards the door.

"Rumlow, wait." You grab his arm and stand in front of him, making him face you. "I'd love to, if you're serious."

He blushes slightly. "Really?"

You smile, holding up your finger. "On one condition."

He furrows his brows in confusion. "I think I might need another drink before I agree to anything." He laughs, fixing himself another glass.

"Answer me a question?" You ask, and he simply nods his head. "Are you asking me out on a date date...or do you just need some ass?"

He snorts into his glass, nearly choking. He coughs a few times, then turns to you. "Seriously?" He starts laughing, seeing your face is completely serious. "Alright." He holds up his hands defensively. "Honestly? I have no idea what I'm feeling, but it's not just me 'needing some ass'."

"Alright then, you mind hanging out while I clean up a bit?" You ask, already heading to your bathroom to shower.

You look back to see him smiling at you from the couch, already making himself comfortable.

You finish up your shower quickly, blow-dry your hair, and wrap a towel around yourself before walking to your room across the hall. You laugh as you notice Rumlow checking you out from the couch. "Behave." You call to him as you shut your bedroom door behind you, you hear his deep laughter and smile to yourself.

You throw on a tiny bit of makeup, and turn to your closet. You can shower, do your hair and makeup all in about 10 minutes, but finding something to wear on a date...that's tough. You settle on a tight black dress, stopping about mid-thigh, the back open except for a few crossing straps to keep it form fitting. You go with sandals instead of heels since you don't want to be taller than him, and top it off with a fitted black leather jacket.

You step out into the living room. "Ready to go?" You ask.

He stands and looks at you, raising a brow before speaking. "Wow, you look great." He glances down at his watch and laughs. "You got ready fast."

You shrug and smile at him. "It's a bit of a talent really." You both laugh and he slides an arm around your waist.

"You couldn't resist the edgy jacket could you?" He smiles, looking you over.

You shrug and walk with him towards the door. "So where are we going?" You ask as you lock the door behind the two of you.

"Now that," He says, placing his hand in the small of your back as you walk together. "Is a surprise."

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