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You hear a knock at your door, and you rush to answer it, making sure to hide your tank top.

"Hey." Steve smiles as you open the door. He holds up his hands, a bag of food in one, and a bag of movies in the other. "I figured I'd bring a lot so you could pick." He looks down at the assortment of movies.

You both laugh and you step aside, motioning for him to come in.

Dinner was fantastic of course, he had picked up italian from your favorite restaurant. How he knew, you had no idea, but you were now on the couch watching The Breakfast Club.

As it's coming to an end, you glance over to see Steve clutching a pillow to his chest, his eyes tearing up.

You chuckle softly and slide over next to him, leaning your head against his shoulder to comfort him. You feel him move his arm around you and squeeze you gently.

"So." You grin up at him mischievously. "Wanna watch a scary movie now?"

The next morning:

You let him sleep on your couch that night, you could tell he needed a friend to be there for him. When you wake up, you almost forget about him being on your couch. You walk out of your room in your Captain America pajamas, and see Steve sprawled across the couch. Good thing I splurged for a huge couch... You think to yourself, although Steve still has one arm hanging off the edge. You chuckle softly and pad into the kitchen to make breakfast.

You hear Steve walk into the kitchen as you're setting the table.

"Are pajamas?" He asks.

You can't help but laugh and blush. "They're Captain Americapajamas." You correct him.

"Yeah." He smiles and points to himself. "Me."

You both laugh.

"You look really cute." He says, and now you both blush.

"I didn't know what you liked really." You say to him, smiling. "So I sort of just went with everything breakfast-y."

He laughs at the overflowing table of food, eggs, bacon, waffles, pancakes, sausage, biscuits, and orange juice. Then rubs his hands together excitedly as he sits at the table.

"Seriously?" You laugh. "I had one plate, there was a lot of food on that table Steve. I'm not sure where you put it all." You look back at the now empty table, then back to Steve.

He shrugs and smiles, rubbing his stomach. "Super soldier remember?" You both laugh. "It was really good though!"

He's helping you clean the kitchen when you hear a knock at the door. You splash Steve with a little water before heading to see who it could be. He gives you a serious face and points at you as if saying 'Hey, knock it off missy.' You laugh and open the door.

"Agent." Rumlow's deep voice was laced with a hint of irritation, his eyes traveled down to see your pajamas. However, his face was rigid and emotionless.

"Rumlow." You say, the pain in your voice more evident than you would have liked. He looks up into your eyes and for a moment you see him soften, but then Steve comes around the corner.

"Hey it's Rumlow. What's up?" Steve asks cheerfully as he comes to stand by you.

Rumlow nods at him briefly before turning his attention back to you, his features hardened again. "Meet me in the sparring arena, 10 minutes."

Then he was gone.

"Wow." Steve said. "That guy never smiles." Then he looks at you. "You better get movin' if you wanna be down there in 10 minutes!"

He laughs as you scurry off to your room, almost slipping in the process.

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