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You wake to an empty bed, your brows furrow as you feel the cold space beside you. He's been gone a while. You realize, frowning to yourself before rolling out of bed.

You curse yourself all through breakfast, and even contemplate whether he was ever really here as you shower, but as you dry off and begin dressing in your combats you notice several bite marks on your hips and collar bone. No, he was definitely here.

You finish lacing up your boots and reach for your knife as usual, but your hand hesitates just above the blade. You usually take the blade Brock had given you, but you're a little upset that he wasn't here this morning, he didn't even leave a note or say goodbye. What the hell? You shake it off and grab your old knife instead.

You open your door to head out for the day, but Steve is standing there as if he had just been about to knock. He startles you slightly, and seems as though you startled him too.


He blushes and clears his throat. "Hey. You disappeared last night, so I figured I'd come over today and ask if you had any plans?"

You shrug and glance at your watch. "I have a briefing with Pierce in 15 but after that I'm free, why?"

He clears his throat again and smiles nervously. "I sort of wanted to ask if we could hang out. We can stay in or go out or whatever you want to do." He shrugs and blushes deeply, waiting anxiously for an answer.

"Well I do still owe you a Jurassic Park marathon." You reply, and he immediately lets out a relieved sigh.

You both laugh and start down the hall. "Mind if I tag along? I can wait outside until you're done then we can just come back together." He asks excitedly, beaming at you with hope filled eyes.

You giggle slightly and nod. "Sounds great, that way we can pick up food on the way back."

He smiles from ear to ear all the way to Pierce's office, where he takes a seat in the waiting room. Pierce's assistant, still the timid young Lauren, nods for you to go on in to Pierce's office.

"He said to send you in immediately." She speaks softly, seeming much more confident when she isn't actually in Pierce's presence.

You round the corner and slowly make your way down the hall to the only door, the door at the very end, Pierce's door. It always seems so ominous to have a long hallway with just one door at the end, but that's how Pierce liked to project himself. Upon entering through the door you notice Pierce studying files as usual, and Brock standing next to the desk. He sneaks a soft smile towards you, but you simply shut the door behind you and take your seat, ignoring him completely.

"I see you still like to be punctual Agent, that's good." Pierce finally speaks, breaking the silent tension in the room. "I've been told you've taken initiative to train with Clint as well as Steve for the past few weeks, and also that this has lead to some improvements on your skills." He looks up from the file briefly, not really asking for your acknowledgement, just gauging your reaction. You nod sharply, and he continues. "I have a special assignment, Brock highly recommended that you be the one to go."

You try to hide your shock, but Pierce catches your slight twitch and chuckles.

"I agree with him. I'll be calling for you when the time comes Agent, so be prepared. That is all." He waves his hand for you to leave.

You nod sharply, knowing he wasn't asking you how you felt about it, he was telling you that you would be going. You wouldn't even know what it was until he was ready to send you.

You frown slightly as you close the door behind you, curiosity getting the best of your thoughts as you begin down the long hall back to the waiting room. You hear the door click once more behind you, then hurried footsteps, and turn to see Brock jogging after you.

You pause and wait for him to catch up. "What is it Rumlow?" You ask, purposefully not using his first name.

You notice him wince slightly, and furrow his brows. "Um." He scratches his jaw and opens his mouth to speak, but then shuts it and bites at his lip. Sighing he finally speaks up. "Be at training tomorrow, 7 a.m. Meet at the gun range."

And then he's gone. Again.

You hurry back to Steve, who greets you with a warm hug. You squeeze him tightly, making him chuckle.

"You alright? What did they say to you in there?" He asks, looking down at you slightly worried.

"I'm fine." You smile up at him, you may be tall but he still manages to dwarf you.

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