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Brock slows the vehicle, coming to a stop at the rusted gates of what looked to be an abandoned military training facility. Everyone steps out of the SUV and checks their gear, noting a second vehicle parked to the side.

"They're definitely here." Brock checks his gun before holstering it again, and then motions for the team to fan out.

Moving forward slowly, you notice a dilapidated sign that has fallen to the ground and been covered by years of dirt and grass. You kneel and pull some of the weeds off before wiping away the thick layer of dirt to reveal its message - Camp Lehigh. Furrowing your brows, you stand and leave the sign to look at the remains of the facility.

Why does this place sound so familiar?

Brock's voice suddenly rings out, shouting for everyone to take cover as he tackles you into a nearby ditch, shielding your body with his own. You turn your head slightly to give him a questioning glance, but he pulls you to his chest, shielding you your face and blocking your view just as a missile can be heard overhead. The ground shakes violently as you hear a large explosion not too far off; clumps of dirt rain down, and you feel Brock slowly shift to look around.

"Shit..." He mutters, shaking his head as he looks back down to you. "Are you okay?"

You manage a small smile, ruffling his hair to shake free bits of dirt. "Probably going to have bruises from that tackle, but I'm fine."

He chuckles softly and caresses your cheek. "Smart ass." Shifting his weight slightly, he stands and reaches a hand down to help you up.

You brush yourself off and turn to see what remains of the base; most of the flames have gone out, but the whole base was reduced to rubble. You feel your chest clench, and without thinking you rush forward towards the debris; Brock wraps an arm around your waist, and grips your wrists with his free hand to hold you back.

He kisses your cheek and back of your neck softly before whispering into your ear, "I know you want to find him, but we need to go in as a team. Okay?" His grip slowly loosens, allowing you to move away from him. "Okay?"

You nod hesitantly, and take a deep breath to calm yourself as Brock signals to the team to move forward for a full sweep of the debris. You take up the back, and slowly climb through the heaps of rubble, falling slightly behind as the rest of the team branches off. Your eyes move along the rubble, searching, but not really wanting to find anything; you know you don't want to find them here, not like this.

A slight movement catches your eye somewhere down in a small crater-like hole. Glancing around, you see that the rest of the team is engrossed with their own search, and you look over the edge of the hole, not entirely sure how you would get back out once you lowered yourself in. You squint your eyes towards what looks to be a face underneath a large section of rubble. Pursing your lips, you glance around once last time before lowering yourself down into the pit, dropping the last couple of feet to reach the bottom.

You slowly move towards where you saw something, gun drawn in anticipation as you kneel to look through a small opening.

You gasp and cover your mouth as tears blur your vision. Standing slowly, you holster your gun and look back towards the opening, Steve's pleading eyes all that's visible from his ash-covered face. Brock's voice rings out in the distance as he calls your name, and you hear his footsteps move closer. Your head swims as you glance back and forth from Steve to the ledge just above the pit; Brock's footsteps dangerously close as you finally make the decision. You close your eyes and take a deep breath, mentally apologizing for what you're about to do.

Turning back to Steve, you make a discreet signal for him to get as low as he can and to stay quiet. Brock's footsteps stop just at the ledge, and he calls down to you in a questioning tone. You look over your shoulder at him, kicking around some of the smaller pieces of rubble as you let out a sigh.

"Are you okay?" He asks, his voice a little softer this time.

Shrugging your shoulders slightly, you kick a larger piece of rubble and watch it roll along; you allow yourself a small smile before composing yourself and turning to face Brock. "I thought I saw something, but I guess it was just debris settling."

He nods, seeming to buy it as he scans the pit, and then he kneels at the edge and offers a hand down for you. Moving forward, you jump up to grasp his hand, and attempt to find footing as he pulls you out of the pit. Dusting off, you glance back over the edge, ensuring the larger rubble you had kicked still covered the opening where Steve and Natasha were hiding. You let out a small sigh, and turn to Brock as he signals to the rest of the team.

"It's all clear, men. Let's move out." He waits for the rest of the team to move ahead, and then wraps his arms around you as he places several soft kisses down your temple and cheek. "Not finding them means they're probably alive." He tilts your chin up and gives you a small reassuring nod before dabbing your nose with some ash from his glove.

You squint your eyes at him, but can't fight the smile tugging at your lips as you wipe the tip of your nose against the back of your hand. He moves to follow the team, keeping one arm around you to pull you with him.

As you fasten your seatbelt, you look out the window of the SUV at what remains of the base, and can't help but feel a pang of guilt at lying to Brock. You lean your forehead against the cool of the window and close your eyes in an attempt to relax, but all you can think of is Steve.

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