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"Mr. Pierce?" The assistant knocks lightly at the door.

Director Pierce, not bothering to look up from the files spread across his desk, makes his annoyance clear with a short sigh. "Yes? What is it Lauren, I'm very busy."

"Your 2 o'clock has arrived early, sir." Lauren had been working for Pierce for 3 years, but she was still very nervous around the stern businessman. After a short pause, she dares to speak again. "What should I tell them?"

Pierce flips closed the file in his hand, lies it flat on the desk, and glances down at his watch. 1:45 in the afternoon. 15 minutes early. Pierce thinks to himself. Not so early as to disrupt, just early enough to impress. Pierce finally looks up and nods at the very nervous Lauren, letting her know she is to show the appointment to his office. Looking back down at his desk, Pierce hears the soft click of his door closing. Pursing his lips, he neatly stacks the files that are currently strewn across his desk, leaving the one he had most recently looked through on the top of the pile.

He doesn't look up when the door opens again, he simply re-opens the top file and folds the cover back as he speaks. "I see you arrived early today, our appointment was not until 2, correct?"

"Yes, sir. I was always told 'if you aren't early you're late', sir." You enter the room just enough to close the door behind you, and stand with your hands behind your back awaiting acknowledgement from the Director. You could almost see a twitch at the corner of his mouth, as though the comment secretly amused him.

"Please." He motions towards the empty chair in front of his desk, still not looking up from the file. "Have a seat."

You make your way to the seat, although a very uncomfortable one, you manage to sit up straight and look professional.

Pierce flips up through several pages in the file before finally looking up at you to speak. "You may have guessed that this is your file." It wasn't a question, so you simply nod in agreement. He stares at you for a few seconds, though they seem to drag on for an eternity, before he continues. "It's impressive, very impressive in fact. I see you have extensive combat training, you know several languages, and I believe you were a pilot for several years? I expect you'll be able to start immediately following a physical assessment?"

It takes you a moment to fully comprehend what he just said. Well...That was much easier than expected. "Yes, sir. Although, I've already had my physical with your physicians. The documentation should be in the file."

He smiles at you almost humorously, a slight chuckle escaping him as your brows slightly furrow in confusion. "No, I'm afraid you misunderstood me." He holds up his finger to ask, or rather demand your momentary silence as he pushes a button on his phone. "Lauren? Send him in now." He looks back towards you, a smile returning to his features as the door opens. You don't look until he motions proudly towards whomever is now closing the door behind them. "This," Pierce stands to meet the man in the middle of the room, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Is Brock Rumlow. Leader of Shield's most elite Strike team."

You stand and face the two men, offering your hand out to the one you now know as Rumlow. In the time it takes for him to give you a quick one over, firmly shake your hand, and give you a slight nod, you size him up discretely. He is the same height as you, 5'10". A bit short for a man. You comment to yourself, although he seems to make up for it in strength. He is very muscular, decked out in black combat gear, and has handguns holstered to each of his thighs as well as a blade hidden in his left boot, the latter of which would have gone unnoticed by a lesser trained individual. He has a strong, sculpted jaw, and stubble that suggests he doesn't have time for upkeep, but his hair tells you otherwise. Short on the sides, longer on the top and styled in a sort of up-do that almost reminds you of David Beckham's, you could tell he took care of himself as well as his appearance. He's actually sort of...handsome. You manage to look at Pierce in an attempt to dismiss any such thoughts.

"What do you think?" Pierce asks Rumlow, both looking at you.

"Her file seemed good. But paper doesn't mean shit out there on the field." Pierce was nodding in agreement as Rumlow talks, both still looking at you, as though you can't hear what they're saying. You clench your jaw, on the verge of getting irritated when Rumlow speaks up again. "Let's see what she's got. Follow me." He motions for you as he strides out of the room.

You steal a quick glance at Pierce, who nods, before following after Rumlow.

You walk in silence to the elevator. When the doors close, you are the only two in. He presses and holds the button for the basement, it briefly flashes blue before returning to its usual white, and the elevator begins its descent.

You look up from the button to Rumlow, who answers your questioning glance only with a slight chuckle and a smirk.

Damn, they've got the works down here. You think to yourself as the elevator finally comes to a stop, two floors below what's supposed to be the basement floor.

As the doors open and Rumlow steps out, pauses, and glances back at you. "Coming?"

You cautiously step out of the safety of the elevator, trying to make a mental note of any exits or threats. Just in case...

You follow him into a large room where 2 men are sparring, while the 3 others sit along a bench, drinking from water bottles and enjoying watching the others. That is, until they notice you walking in behind Rumlow. All sparring and goofing around ceases, and all eyes are now on you.

"Well guys," Rumlow speaks up, his voice deep and authoritative. "This is our new recruit." He starts to smile, and soon everyone else in the room is smiling and nudging one other. "Pierce wants us to see if she makes the cut for our team." Rumlow turns to you, and the edges of his mouth turn up into a cocky half grin once more. "My team is the best of the best, the elite, we make navy seals look like girl scouts. If you wanna join us, you better prove what you're worth." He steps closer to you until you're only inches apart, but you refuse to back down.

You look square into his eyes, for a moment you have a stand off, and his jaw clenches with irritation. You smirk and ask, "Who's first?"

He chuckles and puts his hands on your shoulders, spins you around, and gives you a light shove towards a door marked 'women'. "You'll find combats in there to change in to, come out ready to prove yourself."

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