Healing Time - Chapter 29

Start from the beginning

"He's... erhm, awaiting arrest," she said with a frown. "Francois felt horrible about the scenario and didn't want to perform it immediately, but there are many witnesses who want him taken into custody."

So much forAntoine's idea.

"Oh," you said, looking back up to the ceiling for a moment. While the truth hadn't completely settled in yet, you knew it would soon— so you wanted as much information as you could currently process. "What happened... Erhm... After?"

Madame Giry let out a sigh, sitting up straight and staring at the candle flickering by you.

"Well, after Donadieu—" as if he knew he as being talked about, he just happened to clear his throat— "saved you and whatnot, we got note of Peter's condition."

You hardly remembered what had happened to him, but nonetheless, Madame Giry filled you in.

"Erik stole Detective Francois' weapon and shot Peter. The detective isn't dead, but..."

For a moment, you suspected that she was emotionally distraught by whatever news she was about to bring, but you noticed that she was just watching someone who had entered.

"Is she up?" a man's voice said. You glanced over to see Matthew, who was holding an entire tray of food before smiling at you. "Good God, she is— morning... Well, evening, [Y/N]."

You gave a half-smile.

"Evening, Matthew," you said, eyebrows still slightly furrowed. "Now... can someone still fill me in on what's happened?"

"Well... For starters, Erik still kissed you in front of everyone," Matthew said, looking for a place to set the food before Madame Giry stood up and grabbed it from him. "But people are convinced he was just trying to get empathy."

Your heart dropped.

"What?" you asked, your eyebrows furrowing a little. You were preparing to sit up, although quickly, Donadieu rushed over.

"Careful— your lung is still... Erhm, in not great condition," he said. Of course, he was quick to assist you in sitting up, and while Matthew set the tray on your legs with a concerned smile, Donadieu was looking smug. "If I hadn't been there to help you out with it, you'd probably be drowning in your own blood right now."

"If you don't shut up, you'll be drowning in yours," Matthew interjected. He flashed a smile back in your direction. "Everyone is expecting you in the auditorium, but I don't expect that you will be back on your feet tonight. You need as much time to heal as possible."

Another person suddenly flashed through your mind.

"What about Meg?" you asked, staring at the borderline boiling soup balancing on the tray.

"What about her?" Madame Giry snapped. The way her voice had suddenly grown so cold made you realize that something had gone wrong, and you had a suspicion of what it might be. "I would rather not... address her situation at the moment."

You noticed that everyone around you went silent.

Donadieu was the first to clear his throat.

"Well... why don't we say grace?" he asked. "This is your first meal, after all. I made it myself."

"Oh, shut up— you did not," Matthew said, brushing his hands together. "I got this from the kitchen."

"Well, it looks like something I'd make," Donadieu said. "Smells like it, too..."

He paused to look you in the eye.

"If it tastes anything like my cooking, be prepared for it to taste like rat shit."

"Quiet, Donadieu," Madame Giry said. "Let her eat in peace. She's having a difficult enough time as it is..."

Of course, while Donadieu had been right about the bland and sort of stale flavor, you would have felt quite bad if you let Matthew know... so naturally, instead, you just smile and forced the scorching hot soup down your throat. You were almost certain you had burnt everything that led to your stomach.

"I will inform you about everything later," Madame Giry said, her maternal attitude returning after a moment of recomposure. "But for now, you need to get your strength back— there are hundreds of people wishing to know what is going on."

A/N: Long time no see! For those of you who remembered this book, hello! And for those who forgot about this book... well, you're probably not reading this, so that's okay.

But do note— I have A LOT planned ahead for the rest of this book, so be prepared for one hell of a ride...

And I'll see you soon ;)

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