No Light, No Light

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You are the hole in my head

"Who the hell is Bucky?" The Winter Soldier- Bucky. Was it? Could HYDRA get any more twisted than it already was? Was that even possible?

You are the space in my bed

Apparently HYDRA had a few more tricks up their sleeve.

"The thing is, you don't have to." Bucky twisted the corner of his mouth upward. "I'm with you to the end of the line, pal."

Steve rubbed his face and unlocked the door. "Are you sure? I don't want to be a burden."

"Don't be stupid, Steve. My new apartment can fit all of your artist junk," Bucky grinned. "'Sides, your ma woulda' hated you livin' on your own. I'm just doin' her one last favor."

Steve sniffled and charged Bucky, wrapping his thin arms around Bucky. "Thanks, Buck."

"I know, pal. I know it hurts." Bucky placed his chin on the top of Steve's head. "Cry all you want."

The memory nobody knew.

You are the silence between what I thought and what I said


The Winter Soldier screamed at night. He was the stories mothers told children to make them behave, and he had night terrors of a small boy named Steve.

You are the night-time fear


"And a semi-stable hundred year-old man," Bucky grinned, on the edge of a laugh. Steve huffed and pulled him in for a hug. "How you doin', Buck?"

"Not bad," Bucky tossed a stray hair from his face, "for the end of the world."

You are the morning when it's clear


When it's over you'll start


He should have known. Nothing lasted this long in his experience. Steve crumpled as his world turned to dust, swirling around his shaking body.

You're my head, you're my heart

"Thanos did exactly what he said he was gonna do." Natasha smiled bitterly. "He wiped out fifty percent of all living creatures."

Steve looked down, tears dripping down his face. "I'm gonna kill him," He ground out. "I swear I am."

No light, no light in your bright blue eyes

I never knew daylight could be so violent

"Listen up," Steve announced. Thor looked up, his robotic eye twitching. Steve stared him down. "We lost, all of us. We lost friends,"

A revelation in the light of day


Oh, man...

Something is happening....


It was the only way.

"We lost family."

I am Groot.

I'm sorry.

You will never be a god.

This isn't love.

I love you.

"We lost a part of ourselves." Steve swallowed, letting misery wash over him.

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