Failed Sacrifice

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Bucky hoists the blond's arm over his shoulder, wincing at the pain in his side. "It's gonna be alright, Steve. Help's gonna be here in about five hours, we just gonna clean up that wound of yours."

Steve nods and rolls his head against the brunet's shoulder. "Are you hurt, Bucky? I could've sworn I saw you get shot."

The brunet gently sits the blond down under the shade of a crumbling building and slides down next to him, hiding the bullet hole in his shirt underneath his jacket. "I'm fine, Steve. Just a few scratches and bruises, that's all. Now, I gotta get the hole in your stomach cleaned and sewn up before it bleeds too much." Bucky digs around his pack, carefully holding the bandages covering his own bullet wound against his torso. He pulls out a first aid kit. "I got some gauze here, I'm gonna clean your wound, okay?"

The blond nods. Bucky gently rolls Steve's shirt up and over his head and unwraps the gauze with shaky hands, carefully pressing it against the bullet wound. The blond hisses, grabbing the brunet's wrist and squeezing it. "I'm sorry Bucky- it hurts."

Bucky tries to ignore the fingernails digging into his skin, wrapping a bandage around Steve's torso. "You'll be fine, Steve. Just try not to move too much." Steve nods, drifting into unconsciousness.

When Bucky is sure the blond is asleep, he carefully rolls the bottom of his shirt up to his chest and peels the makeshift bandage off of his stomach. Holy shit. The world goes in and out of focus, and his head feels like it's full of helium. The brunet fumbles for the first aid kit and opens it to see a few Band-Aids and some Aspirin. He had used all of the supplies on Steve. He groans and rips his jacket into long pieces of fabric, wrapping it around his midsection. He carefully tugs his shirt back down when he's was finished.

"Bucky?" Steve wraps his arms around the brunet's waist, unknowingly brushing Bucky's wound with his fingertips. The brunet hisses quietly. "Yeah, Steve?" The blond nuzzles his head against the brunet's thigh. "Sleep," He mumbles. "It helps pass the time."

Bucky slowly edges down the wall. "Yeah. You okay?"

Steve nods. "Always." The brunet chuckles, closing his eyes and floating off into sleep.

After what seems to be seconds later, Bucky wakes up with a start. Steve is leaning against the wall, staring directly at Bucky's wound. The brunet looks down at his shirt, which had rolled up his torso in his sleep.

"Shit." He yanks the hem down. It's too late now.

Steve's eyes slide from Bucky's wound to his face. When he speaks, his voice is deadly quiet. "When were you planning on telling me?"

Bucky swallows. "Um. I wasn't?" Steve's eyes narrow. "Excuse me?"

"I wasn't. Um," he coughs, "Gonna tell you."

"And why," Steve asks in a low voice, "Weren't you going to tell me? You know I'd take care of you."

"I know you would. But you can't keep treating me like I'm made of glass, Steve. T'Challa's sister got that HYDRA junk out of my head, and I'm better at defending myself then you let yourself think."

Steve doesn't answer, and Bucky realizes how harsh this statement might seem. "Hey, you okay?"

"I can't lose you again." Steve's voice trembled. "HYDRA took you from me twice, and I thought you had died in Wakanda. That's why I'm always hovering over you. I can't watch you leave me again."

Bucky squeezes the blond's shoulder. "I swear on everything I live for, I will never leave you as long as I'm alive."

"But what if you aren't? Alive, I mean. I would be alone, without you, all over again."

Bucky straightens. "In the past hundred years, some force has managed to bring us back together. I don't know if that's fate, or the power of God, or whatever. I just know that when we die, if we die, we're going to do that together. Neither of us can live without the other, so we simply won't. It's not much of a promise, but it's the best I can give you. Because I'm with you till the end of the line."

Steve chuckles. "You're so freaking cliché."

Bucky grins playfully. "Wow, way to ruin the moment."

"You love it."

"Yes," Bucky leaves a peck on Steve's nose. "I do."

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