The End Of The Line (Part 2)

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Natasha watched Steve shrink collapse, gasping for air. His suit was gone, replaced with khakis and a white shirt. She felt the cold horror that rolled over the plain as Thanos drew back and hit Steve with so much force that the now-scrawny blonde went flying, landing with a sickening crack. The titan turned to the horrified group. "Let this be a warning to whoever might try to oppose me," he announced with a cold smile as he stepped into the black hole that had formed behind him.

(A Year Later)

Bucky Barnes could feel himself being pieced back together, becoming whole once again. He stood between Peter and Sam as they were reunited with their loved ones.

He saw Shuri crying her brother. He saw the pitying look that Tony gave him as he was given a bear hug by Peter. Thor and his brother watched happily as everyone celebrated the defeat of Thanos. He saw Vision and Wanda talking excitedly with Clint. Sam and Natasha were quietly talking, glancing back at Bucky before Natasha collapsed into tears, as Bucky realized somebody was missing.

Oh, God.

Hoping, praying, he had missed him, Bucky scanned the field before realizing that if Steve were alive, Bucky wouldn't be standing by himself.

He walked over to Sam and Natasha in a daze, barley hearing himself ask what had happened, and only coming to as Natasha told him.

"We buried him next to where you used to live here. I'm sorry we couldn't do anything more."

Bucky nodded mutely, nausea and misery rising in his throat. He stumbled backwards, muttering apologies to Sam and Natasha, quickly turning and running back to his small hut.

Sure enough, a small patch of dirt just large enough to fit pre-serum Steve sat overlooking the sunset over the lake.

Bucky collapsed next to it, watching the sun disappear over the horizon as he brought out his pistol and dug the barrel into his chin.

"Till' the end of the line," he whispered as he pulled the trigger.

That's how they found him, lying next to Steve's grave with a gun in his hand and blood dripping from his chin.

They buried him next to Steve, in the hopes that they might be together in whatever happened after this life, so that they might be together are the end of the line.

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