Little Talks

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I don't like walking around
This old and empty house

Bucky stood in the abandoned apartment, taking in the broken floorboards and dented walls. It was eerie. He could see the old sofa where little Steve used to draw landscapes, but he couldn't see little Steve drawing there anymore.

So hold my hand
I'll walk with you my dear

Steve stood behind him, trying to process the old apartment and the new people that stood inside it.

"Hey, you okay?"

Bucky turned.

"I will be."

The stairs creak as I sleep
It's keeping me awake

The brunet opened cabinets and closets at random, as if there were memories hiding inside them, waiting to be released.

It's the house telling you to close your eyes

Steve placed a hand on the Bucky's shoulder, squeezing it gently.

Some days I can't even trust myself

Bucky sat at the edge of the bed in his room at Steve's apartment, curling into himself. Nightmares were constantly plaguing him, the Winter Soldier's face scarring his thoughts.

It's killing me to see you this way

Steve was trying his hardest to help Bucky, to give him his memories, and to take his guilt, but he knew Bucky could never sleep, he could always hear him screaming from the other room.

'Cause though the truth may vary
This ship will carry our bodies safe to shore


The brunet looked up, trying to make out the blond's silhouette in the darkness. He felt the mattress sink next to him as Steve sat down.

He felt Steve hug him, could feel muscled arms wrapping around his body as he leaned into the blond.

There's an old voice in my head
That's holding me back

Bucky didn't feel any better the next day. He saw words floating around in his mind's eye, assaulting him when he was alone.



He felt like his skull was being chipped away from the inside, that the words were small knives stabbing at his brain.

Well tell her that I miss our little talks

"Buck, you okay?" Steve held a plate of toast in one hand, a sketchbook in the other.

Bucky forced a smile. "Yeah, I'm fine." When Steve sat down at the sofa, Bucky ran to the bathroom as fast as he could

Soon it will all be over
And buried with our past

The brunet sat hunched over the toilet, vomiting. A massive headache rolled over him, bits and pieces of memories being carried with it.

We used to play outside when we were young
And full of life and full of love

The next day, they sat at the park, Bucky resting his head on Steve's shoulder, Steve drawing the bare trees and children playing in the distance. They both felt at peace, and Bucky was finally whole.

Some days I don't know
If I am wrong or right

Bucky stood in front of Steve, trying to connect his thoughts.

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