Halloween Party

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Bucky nervously taps the fake pistol against his thigh. The skintight leather breeches weren't his idea, but even he had to admit that they certainly drew attention.

"James." Bucky jumps at the sound of Natasha's voice. "Jesus Christ, Nat! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?"

She smiles innocently at him. "I just wanted to see what you thought of my costume." She delicately spins around, letting her wide skirt twirl around her.

"Not bad, Romannoff." The dress itself looks to be made of spiders, and the mask she wears appears to have six glittering eyes on either sides of the eyeholes.

"Thank you." She tugs gently at the bandana that covers the lower half of the brunet's face. "I see the costume I loaned you is working well."

Bucky blushes. "Yeah. Some lady tried to grope me, which was pretty awkward."

Natasha laughs. "Good. I've been trying to get you with somebody for months."

The brunet discreetly tugs at his pants. "This is not how I imagined meeting someone, Nat."

"Yeah, well. Whatever works." She searches the massive crowd on the dance floor. "Alright, Barnes. You're on your own. Try not to embarrass yourself, alright?"

"Yeah, sure. You won't mind if I use your bed, right?" She sticks her tongue out at him before giving him a one-armed hug. "Good luck, Barnes."

Once she's gone, Bucky isn't all that sure what he should be doing, so he heads over to the snack table.

"Hey, stranger."

Bucky almost shoots Sam before remembering his gun is plastic. "Can you not, Wilson? I nearly went into cardiac arrest."

Sam grins. "You know, a handsome guy like you shouldn't be hogging all the snacks."

"Yeah, well. Hard to see my handsome face when it's covered with fabric. You do know that the point of the masks is so people don't recognize you, right?"

Sam adjusts his massive falcon head. "Yeah, but I'm not all that interested in having a secret identity." He nudges the brunet. "Are you gonna go out there?"

"I don't know. Dances aren't really my thing."

"First of all, it's called a ball. Second of all, you decided to come, so you should at least participate for a few minutes."

Bucky groans. "Why, Sam? Everyone's having a great time without me."

Clint (it's obviously Clint, nobody wears as much purple as that man) runs up to both of them. "All the people without dates are supposed to be on the dance floor," he gasped, clearly out of breath.

"I don't see you out there," Bucky remarked.

"That's because I came with Tasha." Clint points over at a large table, where the redhead waves at the brunet. "Anyways, you two should probably go out there. Stark will probably try to kick your assets if you don't."

Bucky hands his drink to Sam, who immediately drops it in the trash can. "I have no desire to fight a drunk Tony Stark. I'll go."

He shuffles out to the edge of the dance floor. Most people have partners, except for a small pack of women that Bucky has no desire to go anywhere near.

"Excuse me." Bucky turns. Holy garlic bread. A blond with a torn and charred once-white suit and broken wings stands in front of him. The brunet tries not to gawk. "Uh, hi."

The man smiles shyly. "Would, uh, you be willing to dance with me? If you don't want to, that's okay too, though..."

Bucky smiles and takes the blond's hand, tugging him onto the dance floor. The man smiles nervously. "I should probably warn you now, I'm no good at dancing," he admits. "I never really thought to learn."

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