part 11

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                                             Lumine's pov

I stumbled backwards as my face slammed into someone. I closed my eyes, ready to fall knowing I was unstable. I didn't hit the ground as I had expected, though the pressure on my shoulders and my back suggested I was caught.

I slowly opened my eyes to see Silver in front of me. He flashed me an awkward smile.

" Sorry for the position I put you in. It was my quickest solution in my mind. " He said while pulling me to my feet and letting go of me. I smiled at him.

" Ah. It's fine! I was actually looking for you. " I said nervously. He looked at me and cocked his head to the side.

" Did something happen? " He asked, a small trace of concern spread across his face. I shook my head quickly, my white hair bouncing with every movement.

" No.. I just wanted to talk to you in private.. " I said while fiddling with my fingers.

" I see. Is your room okay? " he said. I nodded and let him to my room. I walked in, him hot on my trail. Silver slowly closed the door as I sat on my bed.

" Okay so.. I really don't know how else to say this.. Whenever I'm near Kody my face gets all hot and I suddenly feel really insecure and my heart is just pounding and- god, I don't know what's wrong with me. It's only with Kody. " I said. Silver gave me a shocked look before kneeling in front of me.

" Alright.. Sounds quite familiar. What's your sexuality? " Silver said. I looked down and gripped onto my pants.

" I.. Don't know.. " I said, ashamed. Silver quickly took note of this.

" Alright. It seems you have a crush on him hmmm?? " Silver said and smirked, getting up and sitting on my bed next to me, running his shoulder against mine.

" Ah! Silver! " I said while smacking his arm slightly, moving away with a smile.

" So you think you are gay? " Silver said. I got up and walked to the middle of my room. I dropped to the floor dramatically onto my side, my arms hanging above my head. I slowly rolled into my back and put my arm over my eyes.

" Oh! I'm a gay Prince and I just need my princess Kody to come and save me! " I said rather loudly. I could hear Silver chuckle and the bed creak as he got up. He crouched beside me and I pulled my arm from over my eyes and let it hang loosely around my side.

" Anything else, gay prince? " Silver said. I smiled and laughed but I'm the matter of seconds, darkness seemed to spread over my face like the plaque.

" Well, Kody seemed really annoyed and he snapped at me once or twice.. " I said. Silver just smiled and got up, offering his hand to me.

" He's like that sometimes. Typical Kody. Nothing to worry
About! " Silver said and I nodded and grabbed his hand. Silver pulled me up and I put my door on the handle, but I stopped rather abruptly. I could have sworn that I could feel a presence near, other than Silver's.

I slowly turned the handle and swung the door open. No one was there. I guess I still had a little bit of paranoia.

                                              Kody's pov

I was sitting on the couch when I heard some muffled, yet familiar sounding voices from the hall. I got up to go inspect and heard them get louder as I neared Lumine's door. The door was closed so I put my ear to the door.

" Oh! I'm a gay prince and I just need my princess Kody to come and save me! " I heard Lumine practically yell. My face felt kind of hot. I couldn't tell if it was because Lumine said he was gay or the fact that he called me a princess. It was probably both to be completely honest.

" Anything else, gay prince? " I heard a voice that I couldn't identify say. It sounded male though.

" Well, Kody seemed really annoyed and he snapped at me once or twice.. " I heard Lumine respond. I let out a husky sigh. I really didn't think he would be that sensitive about it. I guess I still have to remember he is still really fragile right now, like glass ready to break. I didn't mean to hurt him at all.

" He's like that sometimes. Typical Kody. Nothing to worry
About! " The voice said, sounding slightly cheerful. At that moment I recognized the voice, but because of that tone. It was Silver. He always did that stupidly cheerful voice to try and cheer Lumine up after we found him.

I growled and rolled my eyes. I jumped when I saw the door handle. I made a run for it and jumped into the couch, sitting to make it look normal. Lumine would be out anytime soon.

Lumine swung the door open, looking both ways before sighing. It seems as if imaginary weights have been lifted from his shoulders.  Lumine walked out and turned around, waving at Silver as a goodbye before turning back around and looking at me.

Lumine's cheeks burned a bright red. The shade of red painted across his cheeks made him look pale as a blank canvas.

" Hey. " I said in a monotone voice. He covered his face with a groan before looking at me and turning into his small form. He ran to me and hopped onto my lap, putting his paws on my chest.

" Your not mad at me anymore? " He asked as he removed his paws from my chest and sat down, looking up at me.

" I was never mad at you. I was just irritable. " I said and turned my head to the side. His face seemed to light up. He jumped off of me, turning into him human form mid-air and landed on his stomach, his arms over the side of the couch and his legs folded considering they would be on me if he had not folded them.

" Get up. Your taking up all of the space. " I said. He groaned and rolled over, falling onto the floor on his back.

" I said get up, not fall into the floor like an idiot. " I said, covering my mouth. He was looking up at me, his eyes locking with mine. I looked to the side as I felt my face burning like a furnace. He noticed and got up, sitting next to me. He continued staring at me. He obviously knew what he was doing.

" Ok.. Stop, your being creepy.. " I said. He backed off with a small smile. He knew he had won.

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