|PART 4| Chapter 18: W A R

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|Cover Photo : Nesskain on Tumblr |

Mimi:...how..how do you know?

Sidon: you can just tell...or at least I can. He may look tired and restless, but my father time here seems to be fading quickly...

Mimi: Sidon....I'm...I'm so sorry

(He shook his head, now raising it a bit so we'd be able to see his sadden eyes)

Link: has Kori had a chance to figure out exactly what has caused his sudden illness?

Sidon: no...my father, as kind as he may be, is a stubborn man when it comes to others worrying about him

(hmph...sounded a lot like Link)

Sidon: I don't think even Muzu knows and he spends the most time by his side if not me *sigh* He probably doesn't even think I know...

Mimi: Well illness or not, Commander Kori can fix up just about anybody. Isn't he here?

Sidon: Yes, but considering I can't leave this room because of....well...you know...I can't relay the information to him

(Without another word, Link prepared to make his way to the door, but Paya quickly grabbed onto his sleeve)

Paya: Ma-Master Link! If you go out there now, you'll be trampled!

Mimi: Paya's right and not to mention this room will be flooded and Sidon's in no condition right now to hold back a horde of fans either

(He let out a huff. I knew he desired to get this done and over with so we could continue on our mission, but there were just some things he couldn't just head straight forward into)

(Which was a surprise for me even thinking that or being the one to hold him back from being irrational considering I usually act first and question last)

Link: so what do you suggest we do then?

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Link: are you sure this is going to work?

(I stared down from Shatterback Point, sending shivers up my spine from how high up we were before glancing over to Link)

(It didn't help either that I decided to do this plan at night so Sidon could hide easier with the few lights around the domain because now it was a bit hard to see)

Mimi: No, but I don't have anything else popping up in my noggin, so this will have to do

Link: I agree on that, but...this poorly drawn cutout of Sidon wouldn't fool anybody and we don't even know if anyone is willing to come up here considering the rumor of the Lynel staying up here still sworms the domain

(Standing up and backing away from the edge, I leaned against the skinny tree and frowned as Link adjusted the wooden cutout, that was still wet from paint, against the ground)

Mimi: Well I never said I was a artist and I'm sure if they see our fake Sidon standing up here that it has to be clear. Afterall, the zoras never really come up here in fear of the shock arrows

Link: heh...well I guess you have a point there. I'm just worried that it might fly away

Mimi: Which is why you'll be going to see Kori

Link: eh...what are you gonna do then?

Mimi: Stay up here and hold the cutout. Your right on the fact that if it's not being held it'll fly away, so in order to keep those crazy fans distracted, I'll stay here and try to stay out of sight. If all goes well, Sidon should be able to escape his room and at least head somewhere safe that they don't know about...maybe

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