|PART 1| Chapter 14: Training With A Monk

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[Before this chapter gets started, I decided to try something new and try a different approach on my chapters. I normally uploaded different parts, depending on how long the chapter is, on AminoApps to make keeping up with the story easier on the readers and so far, it's worked out smoothly. It's no surprise that on WattPad, my stories are a LONG read and they usually take forever to bring in a new chapter, so I figured why not try the same thing I do on AminoApps and separate the chapter into parts to make for a easier read. This is only a test run for Chapter 14. If I notice a increase in reads/if it runs smoothly, I'll keep it this way until the end, if not, I'll go back to the regular way of presenting each chapter. Each PART will probably end on a interesting note to bring you guys coming back for more, so enjoy]


Eric: Mimi...

(I blinked a few times before looking over to Eric who was covered in flour and batter)

Mimi: Oh, uh, yeah?

Eric: I said could you pass me the frosting

Mimi: Right right...

(I grabbed the small, white bag of frosting, handing it over to Eric as he hummed while carefully adding swirls to the large cake)

(Eric and I were put on baking duty, which would have made more sense for Link to be here or the royal cooks, but Eric insisted that he was the one to make Zelda's birthday cake)

(That and Link had come down with a cold, leaving him to bedridden in the castle. He would have normally went home, but Zelda knew him all too well and figured he wouldn't just sleep in when he was sick, so she commanded him to stay here)

Eric: Are you okay? Your starting to go out of it again

(I nodded, wiping my forehead, but then regretting it since I'd now had a flowery forehead)

Eric: Is it because your mother is gone?

Mimi: No...there are just some pieces that she couldn't remember. Important pieces she didn't say that are still causing me to be lost

Eric: Have you told brothers of what you learned?

Mimi: Some

(I said some simply because my mother couldn't tell me everything she knew. The last thing she said was for me to fight. Fight until my last breath)

Eric: So what shall you do now?

Mimi: About?

Eric: just...things in general. It's clear that you still have some kind of searching to do, right?

(I nodded)

Eric: Did your mother say anything about that?

Mimi: No...she just said that I needed to become stronger and that I'd need as much training as possible with my powers if I wanted to live

Eric: The marking on your back?

(I watched as Eric's silver hair fell over his shoulder as he stuck out his tongue, trying to concentrate on getting the details perfect)

Mimi: Yeah

(Finally connecting his green eyes to my gold ones, he stopped with the decorations and wiped his hands on his apron)

Eric: Well...I'm not a expert, but I think it's clear you'll need help from someone of the sheikah clan

Mimi: Like you, Alex, and Roku?

(He chuckled)

Eric: As honored as I or the other commanders would be, I think you'd be better off with someone who had more experience with the technology

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