Back home

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- 3 days later, London, England-
-Emily's POV-
Sadly we had to go back home yesterday, and it was a long day of traveling let me tell you. We had like a 4 hour layover in Sweden, and then when we finally got home it was nearly midnight.
It was now 11am and the boys were still sleeping. I however was up making breakfast. I made some toast and oatmeal and added some cinnamon.
I took my seat on the couch and flicked on the tv. I went to some reality show and decided why not.
A bit while after a sleep alex emerges from my room, wiping his eyes, and then sitting next to me on the couch.
"Morning sleepy head." I smile.
"Morning bear." He yawns.
We sit in silence as we watch this stupid dating show. I've always enjoyed our silent moments. It was nice and it always felt right, never awkward.
We were coming up on 3 months and this was a big mile stone for me at least.
I wanted to make him a nice dinner or something, but I'm awful at cooking anything other than spaghetti or grilled cheese.
"I'm gonna go film a camp cast today, are you gonna be alright?" He asks.
"Yeah, ill have some dinner ready when you get back Okay?" I smile.
"Sounds good m'lady. " he laughs.
He grabs his things for the pod cast and then heads out the door. It's now 12pm and I'm alone.
I decide to film a quick video. I grab my workout clothes and change and throw my hair up into a pony.
"Hey guys it's Emily and today I'm doing my quick yoga routine!" I start.

Once I finished it was about 3pm. I decided to shower and then hang out and edit until it was time for dinner. George was staying in his room all day I guess because he still hasn't come out. That's not like him.
I decided to check on him. I made some tea and then brought it to his room.
"George? Are you okay?" I ask walking in.
I see him laying cuddled up in his bed on his phone.
"What's wrong?" I ask again.
I set the tea down on his bedside table. And took a seat next to him.
"Beth." He sniffles.
"Aw what happened?" I coo.
"We just got in a fight, and I'm not sure what's happening." He sighs.
"Well let's talk, I'll give some advice." I say.
"I just, I saw her with her ex the other day at the grocery, when she said that she was busy that day with her mum, and I'm not sure if it was serious or what. But I confronted her about it later and she got defensive." He sighs.
Uh oh. I don't know much about relationships, but that doesn't sound good.
"Well were you nice or mean about it?" I ask.
"I was nice at first, trying to be understanding, but then she got mean so it kinda made me get mean." He shrugs.
"Want me to talk to her? I bet I can figure it out." I suggest.
"No you don't have to. This isn't your battle, I can handle it." He says.
"Okay well, when I hang out with the girls next, don't be surprised if I end up finding out what happened." I smile.
"Gosh girls really talk about everything." He smiles, rolling his eyes.
"I'll be here all day, let me know if you need anything okay?" I ask. "I'll be making dinner."
I head out and decide to start making the dinner. I made some normal old spaghetti and meat balls and then also some garlic bread to go with.
George came out and brought his laptop and was editing while I was cooking. He normally never edits anywhere but his room, but that's okay, he probably just wanted some company. We didn't talk, I cooked, he edited and we just did our own thing.
It was nice having him around. Yes I miss my parents, more than ever, but at least I still had one family member I could always grow close to, even when I had no one else.
Just as I was finishing up the spaghetti, Alex walks in the door, all his gear in hand.
"Mmmm its smells so good! I'm starting!" He says grabbing a plate.
I chuckle and follow his movements and also grab myself a plate. I see George hasn't moved, so I make him one as well.
I grab us all a beer and Alex and I sit with George.
"What's wrong mate? You haven't touched your food." Alex asks.
No reply. Just typing.
"Beth." I state.
Alex raises his eyebrows at me and I shoot him a confused look back.
"Sorry bud, if there's anything we can do let us know." Alex says.
"Thanks. Em already tried. " He sighs.
I nodded at Alex and Alex shrugged.
"Well, the least we could do is have some fun to get your mind off of it right?" Alex smiles.
"Like what?" George sighs.
"How about we go see a movie? Or go to the arcade or go ice skating!" Alex suggest.
"You? Want to go ice skating?" I chuckle.
"Yeah what's wrong with that!" He huffs.
"Nothing actually, I'd love to see you eat shit! George?" I say.
"Sure. " he shrugs.
After we finish eating, Alex calls up will and josh to see if they'd like to tag along.
It's only about 6pm and the boys are all over here and ready to go.
"Make sure you have warm socks on!" I shout.
"Got it covered mum!" Will yells.
I throw on some leggings and high fuzzy socks and a sweater. I also grab a scarf, Some gloves and throw on a beanie.
I run out and the boys are all waiting for me.
"Are we ready?" I smile.
I get a wave of yes's from the boys and we head out to the car. I drive, and make sure George is up front next to me so I can keep an eye on him. He just looks out the window the whole time, not saying a word. The other boys in the back, are trying to make him laugh by saying stupid jokes but nothing seems to be working. Hopefully this ice skating will help him clear his mind.
We finally arrive and pay and get our skates. It's not too busy which is nice.
"Are you guys ready to eat shit?"I laugh.
"No way." Alex grins.
Again sorry for the lack of updates! I was reading a great ass joji fic and I finished it in like 2 days. If y'all have any good, memeulous or joji fics send them my way.
Also this chapter sucks sorry okay I wanted to throw some more George and Emily time in there.

My online enemy  (Imallexx) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें