New beginnings?

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-Emily's POV-
I woke up the next morning and did my usual routine. I took a shower and put some jeans and a sweater on. I didn't do my makeup, since I normally do makeup tutorials, or a commentary video, but today I decided to do my makeup.

I grab a glass of water from the kitchen before I start and hustle back to my room, but before that happens, I run straight into Alex, spilling the water all over both of us.
"Oh my god I'm such a bellend!" I yell. "I'm so sorry."
"It's alright." He chuckles.
I pick up the cup, and and go get some towels.
"Sorry I got your hoodie all wet." I say again, mopping up the floor.
"It's alright, I have tons more." He says helping me.
"Thanks." I say, looking into his blue eyes. He smiles. We stay like that for a second and I break the contact.
"Um, right. Thanks again, and sorry again. Im gonna go uh- film." I sigh, shuffling back to my room.
I quickly change into a different shirt and then sit down to start filming.
I calm myself down first. What just happened? I shake it off then click record.
"Hello everyone! I'm Emily, and welcome back to another get ready with me! Today I've decided to do my everyday summer look, since it's been highly requested! I start.

"Alright! And that's honestly all I do in the summer for makeup! If you'd like to see what I normally do for like a night out, leave a like and comment down below! I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you guys in the next one! " I finish.
Gosh those makeup videos always nearly take 2 hours. I plug my camera in to my laptop and let it upload. I check my phone and it's already 3pm! I haven't eaten lunch yet!
I head out into the kitchen and see George on the couch watching some film.
"Hey do you want to get something to eat?" I ask.
"I just ate." He says. I sigh. I still don't really know my way around here...
"I'll come, I haven't eaten all day." Alex chirps from behind.
"Okay! Let me go get my shoes." I say.
This is the perfect time to get to know him!
I grab my shoes and we head out. The car ride is kind of awkward, but he plays some Joji so I'm okay with it.
"I heard you listening to him yesterday, that's pretty cool, he's one of my favorites but not a lot of people seem to like him." He starts.
"Yeah, he's different. I like it." I respond.
He pulls up to a McDonald's and we head inside. I order some nuggets and a milkshake and he gets a burger and fries.
I take a seat in the corner booth and scroll through Instagram and then twitter, not seeing much.
Alex comes back with out food and plops down across from me. I thank him and we both eat in silence.
He's mostly on his phone, probably checking comments and things, which is totally normal, but it seems like he does it quite a lot.
"So what's your favorite video game?" I ask.
He pauses and looks up from his phone.
"Um probably fifa. " he shrugs, going back to his phone. "Yours?"
Well looks like this isn't going anywhere..
"Probably call of duty. That's the only game I'm decent at."I laugh, causing him the give a small smile.
"We should play sometime, see who's better." He responds.
"Probably me." I gloat.
"Oh okay, we got a cocky one over here." He laughs.
"What it's true. I watched your old videos, and you were not very good..." I grin.
"I was a 16 year old bloke give me a break!" He says.
"I don't know, I still think I could win." I smile.
This is more like it. A fun banter, or honestly in my book, flirting. Even though it's over a stupid game, I can feel my heart start to race and my cheeks are getting red from looking at his adorable smile.
I need to control myself.. I'm just a hormonal 18 year old with a stupid internet crush.
My thoughts are interrupted by George calling me.
"Hey Georgie!" I smile. Alex lets out a snicker.
"Hey I just wanted to let you know, um, will and I decided to throw a party." He says.
"Okay and why are you telling me? " I laugh.
" I just wanted to check to see if it was okay, there's gonna be quite a few people here, and I thought I'd ask, Alex won't care, he'll use any excuse to drink." He says.
"Yeah that sounds alright to me. We're just about to head back, do you want me to grab anything?" I ask.
"Yes please. Loads of alcohol." He says.
"Alrighty!" I say.
"What was that?" Alex asks.
"I guess we're having a party?" I laugh.

We pick up what's needed, and then Alex decides to take a detour...
"Where are we going?" I ask. "I thought the flat was that way."
"Yeah, but I forgot we needed um... snacks!" He said quite suspiciously.
"Hmmm okay." I say.

We finally are done shopping. Alex has kept us here for over an hour trying to find some lousy snacks! We're finally arriving back home. And Alex rushes up the stairs, and locks me out!
"Hey what's all that about!! I don't have a key yet you mong!" I yell.
I stand there for a few minutes, before Alex opens the door back up, with a party hat on and everyone jumps out.
Alright I know this is kinda shit, I didn't know where to take it after they had gone to McDonald's, but than I thought of something that can happen later on, so this shit chapter had to be written first 😂 enjoy.

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