The move.

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I step of the plane and fine Georgie waiting for me with a sign that says "my mong of a cousin" I chuckle and run up to give him a big hug.
"It's been so long!" I smile.
"I know! How are you holding up?" He asks as we walk towards the baggage claim.
"Alright. The funeral was yesterday, so I figure why not move as soon as possible. " I shrug.
My parents recently just pasted from a car accident with an 18 wheeler. I'm originally from Ireland, so it's not too much of a culture change, plus I've been out to visit Georgie and my aunt and uncle a few times.
I was getting all my things shipped to me, so they should be arriving in a few days.
"Soooo, do you wanna film a video when we get back?" He asks all too excitedly.
"I'd love to!" I smile.
I'm also a youtuber, I've got a good sub count, almost to one million, maybe 100 thousand away, and that's not too bad I only started about a year ago.
I like to play games and also talk about current events. I'm kind of like the girl version of Georgie, but in my own way.
We gather my bags from the claim and head to his car.

When we arrive we ride up the elevator to a super nice flat. He unlocks the door and the inside is beautiful.
"Alright your bedroom is over here, you're in between me 'n Alex. " he says, I follow.
"Where is he?" I ask.
"Oh yeah, you don't have to worry for a few days, he's gone home to his parents for a bit, that gives you some time to settle in without a worry." He smiles.

Right. Alex and I. Well more like Alex. I actually quite enjoy his videos, him though, not to fond of me I guess. I'm not too sure if he knows I'm George's cousin, but he seems the think I steal his content, and I'm "unoriginal". George is the one that actually begged me to make a YouTube and start gaming, sometimes he's even in there with me. I'm not the greatest at call of duty and things of that nature, but I guess people find me entertaining? I've done a few makeup videos as well. So I kind of do everything, and I don't feel like I copy George, none of my subs think so either, plus a lot of them know he's my cousin, so they can see our similarities.

I didn't really do anything to Alex for him to make that, I guess he just doesn't want me stealing from his best friend, but he's my cousin so I think I win on this one.

I plop my bags down and start unpacking.

"George thank you so much! This room is beautiful!" I smile.

"Yeah no problem! Our friend will just moved out with his girl, and I didn't want you to feel alone. I thought it'd be perfect, besides the alex part, but he'll come around." He assures me.

I roll my eyes and continue unpacking.

"I'm gonna finish unpacking this and then we can film?" I ask.

"I'll go get everything ready, we're gonna react to Danielle Cohn!" He jumps. "Oh and I have an exclusive hoodie for you."

Of course the one time I'm ever on his channel I have to be in disguise. What a nonce.

I hang up my last shirt and find my way to Georgie's room. He has a baby pink memeulous hoodie waiting for me, along with a matching bandana and sunglasses. I slip it on and take a seat next to him.

"Alright hello everyone, today we're joined by Emily, if you'd like to see her face, go check out her channel! But when we're over here, she's like me." He starts off the video. I chuckle and we get right in

"Alright Emily, you've watched this through know, how old do you think she is?" He asks.

"Uh I don't know, maybe 16?" I ask.

"SHE'S 12 MATE!" He yells.

"WHAT! THERE'S NO WAY!" I laugh.

"Yes, this girl is 12, and she must be stopped." He says.

We wrap up the video and he plugs the camera into his computer to start editing. I take off the hot bandana and hoodie, I was burning up under all the lights. I have no clue how he does that all the time.

"You can keep that, I ordered a few to see if I liked it."he smiled.

"Well thank you." I say taking the hoodie with me back to my room.

I check my phone. 7pm. Back home it's only about 9pm, but I'm still so tired. I go grab a snack and continue unpacking until I get too tired. I set up my filming things and laptop and then decide to call it a night.


Hey guys!! So to clarify a few things, the — means a time skip, normally either just to skip boring things, or a few hour skip, if it's a big one I'll put how big with the —
Hope you enjoy! :)

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