Christmas shopping

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-Alex's POV-
So Christmas is like 2 weeks away and I'm stuck on what to do for em. She's already got stuff under the tree for George and I, and neither of us have gotten her or Beth a thing.
Her and Beth are out shopping for more things, so I force George to come with me.
"You cunt let's go! We can't not get them things!" I yell.
"Give me a minute you fuck!" He groans.
I wait outside his door and then when he comes out he smacks the back of my head.
"Come on you mong." He sighs.
We call an Uber to take us to the shops and we arrive in about 20 minutes.
"Alright so... what's the plan." He asks.
"Uh, you know, that's a great question. " I chuckle.
—Emily's POV—
Beth and I go shopping quite a bit for the boys, it's actually a problem. For each of them I ordered them a special edition of my hoodie with the sun on it. Alex got a pink one and George got a green one.
I also got Alex a new headset for his videos.
Beth was getting her and George matching disguises for when they do videos. She also picked out something for his computer.
Today we were just out shopping to get out of the house. I found a funny game to get us all, called "what do you meme?" And also headbandz but the meme version.
Beth was shopping for her parents and my heart suddenly hurt. I don't have anyone else to shop for. I think about my parents everyday, but today hurt the most. I won't be able to get them anything or see their faces light up.. but I pushed through it and helped her pick out a gift for her mom.
She got her mom some slippers and a cute silk pajama set.
After a while we decided to go get some Chinese take out and head back to wrap the gifts.

When we get back to the flat, the boys are gone? I thought they were filming today. Weird.
We grab plates and head into my room, so Incase they come home I can hide all the gifts easily. We turn on some music and start wrapping.
-Alex's POV-
George and I decided to head into the jewelry shop, girls like that right?
I immediately see this sun and moon necklace and had to get it for em. The diamonds were yellow for the moon, and black for the sun. She'll love it.
"I'll take this one please." I ask the lady behind the counter.
George found some earrings he liked for Beth. We then headed to bath and body works because girls like to smell nice.
We each picked out a few different perfumes along with matching lotion.
I also get some fuzzy socks and some matching plaid pajama bottoms.
I felt like this was a good start. George and I get some wrapping paper and call an Uber back to the flat.
-Emily's POV-
Beth and I are almost done wrapping, when I heard the door open. I put the unwrapped gifts under my bed and I tell Beth to keep them out of my room.
I heard George's room close, and then everything was quiet. I sat and listened for a minute and then heard it open and close quickly again.
I head out to the kitchen to see what's up and Alex is just hanging out by the island.
"Hey bear." He smiles kissing my cheek.
"Whatcha guys up to?" I ask.
"Nothing." He shrugs, not making eye contact.
"So, you wouldn't mind if I checked in on George?" I ask.
"Um actually I think he's sick. " he says frantically.
"Oh, I'll bring him some tea!" I chirp.
I get out a mug and start making some tea. Alex quickly gets on his phone, probably to text George.
Once I finish his tea I walk  it over to his room, Alex behind me.
I knock a few times before cracking the door.
"Georgie? I brought you some tea. Alex said you were sick." I smile bringing it in.
He was laying under his covers on his phone. He "sniffled" and accepted my tea.
"Thank em. I think I just ate something bad." He shrugs.
It's so easy to tell they're lying.  I take a look around his room, and see a yellow box peeking out from under the bed. Smirk, and then walk out. I go back to my room where Beth is waiting, and tell her that they went shopping.
"No way what did you see?" She asks.
"I only saw this yellow box, but Alex is acting weird and they were saying George was sick, I'll go tell him I called you to come over and you sneak out the front, and knock in like 10 minutes okay?" I smile.
I go back to George's room, where Alex sits at his desk, good they're both in here so Beth can sneak out.
"Hey Georgie, I called Beth, she wanted to come over and make ya feel better." I say.
"Oh that's sweet but I don't want to get her sick." He says.
"She's already on her way, I think she's almost here." I lie.
"Oh okay, well that's sweet." He says nervously.
*knock knock*
I go run to the door and act like I didn't just see her, and she goes in and now they're stuck. Alex comes out and gives them some alone time, while I go get my hidden gifts and place them under the tree.
"You're sneaky em." He chuckles.
"Oh I know, and you guys should really work on it." I laugh.
"I don't know what you mean." He lies.
"Oh come on Alex." I smile.
"What? I'm perfectly sneaky." He shrugs.
"Oh yeah? Then was that yellow box for me or Beth?" I laugh.
"Dammit." He whispers.
"It's alright, you'll learn from the master." I chuckle patting his arm.

Sorry this took forever my goodness I accidentally took a nap when I got home from work and here we are. Lol I always update in the middle of the night, but enjoy :)

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