Special day

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-Emily's POV-
The next morning I woke up at around 9. The boys were still passed out on the floor, the room was a total mess.
"Okay guys so this is what I woke up to." I giggle quietly to the camera.
I pan around and show the messy room and the sleeping boys.
"James was right, they were gonna get piss drunk." I smile.
I set the camera down and pick out an outfit for today. I decided to get girly. I picked out a sun dress and some sandals. I then went to take a quick shower. When I finished I sat and did my full makeup routine. I did a bronze Smokey eye and some eyeliner. I then decided to curl my hair, and then throw on my glasses.
It's around 10:30 and George was the first one up.
"Woah good morning." He groans.
"Good morning!" I smile. "Is anyone else up?"
"Uh, not that I know of, I'm gonna go back to my room." He says.
I head down to the complimentary breakfast and decide to bring Alex up some waffles. I stand in line And get him and myself a waffle. I then get some bacon and some orange juice.
When I got back up to the room, all the boys had gotten up and Alex was in the shower.
I set the food down on the night stand and scrolled through my social media.
"Well good morning princess." Alex says, walking out of the bathroom with just a towel on.
Wow good morning." I smirk. "I got you some breakfast."
"Oh yes! I'll go get dressed real quick!" He smiles.
He grabs some black skinny jeans and a plain shirt and runs back to the bathroom. I chuckle to myself and start eating my waffle.
He comes back out about 5 minutes later, still wet hair and all, and comes and devours his food with me.
"So what are we doing today?" I ask.
"You'll see. I have it all planned out." He smiles.
I give him a look and he shrugs and continues to eat.
"Hmmm you never have everything planned out. " I joke.
"Ugh! Rude!" He says in a girly voice.
We continue to eat and I'm just so excited about what he has planned I eat real quick. Once we finish up Alex drags me out of the hotel to the Uber he had previously called for us.
We drive for about 25 minutes, more towards the dirt, until we get to the Sydney opera house.
"Oh my gosh Alex!" I gasp.
"I got us tickets to see this circus group as soon as I knew we were coming." He smiles grabbing my hand.
We walk in and get our tickets scanned and go find our seats.

"That was so good alex!" I smile.
"I know, I'm surprised actually!" He grins.
We then walk around the building, since it's basically on the water and enjoy our alone time just holding hands.
"God I really should've planned for this weather." He pants.
"We can go pick you up some shorts yeah?" I suggest.
"Fine. But after this next thing I have planned." He smiles.
We catch another Uber and we end up by the shops we were going to go to anyway to pick up some clothes.
Alex then pulls my hand into this nice sushi place and we get sat down immediately.
"Alex did you make reservations?" I ask.
"Sure did." He smiles.
"Well this is lovely." I chuckle.
We sit and get our drinks and decide to do a platter of all different types of sushi to try and share.

Natalieasher,ninapina and 21,647 others liked

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Natalieasher,ninapina and 21,647 others liked.
@itsemmilyyy sushi date with my sushi boy. 💜🍱
Tagged: im_allexx
@legitmemeulous sushi is raw fish hope you get salmonella
@itsemmilyyy @legitmemeulous love you cuz 💗
@fanfan726 fuck you guys are too cute
@will_NE where the f was my invite!
@im_allexx @will_NE you're not special enough.
We sit and enjoy our sushi, I actually like it more than I thought I would. We sit and talk about our childhoods and just get to know each other better. We don't normally have time to do this, because we're always just busy filming and editing.
But today was different. I got to learn about the man I loved and I got to see him get out of his comfort zone.
"Okay Alex are you ready to go shopping!!" I say a bit to excitedly.
"Ugh. I guess." He groans.
We get up and leave and walk towards the shops. We head into an H&M and go upstairs to the men's clothing.
"Here Alex, these aren't bad, they're like sweatpants but shorts." I say holding up a pair.
"Those are perfect! Fuck yes get like 4 pairs." He grins.
I grab a few black pairs and a few gray pairs and put them in the basket.

Once we finish up shopping for Alex, he's got 5 new pairs of shorts, a few t shirts and a hat and some sunnies.
And of course. I had to go shopping too.
I head into the Hollister and Alex follows.
I end up picking out some jean shorts, a few slowly tank tops, a cute swimsuit, that Alex picked out and some sunnies for me too.
"Okay I think I'm done." I smile.
"Good god please be done." He jokes.
"Now that you said that I'm making us do a haul video for shits and gigs." I say.
"Yay! So excited!" He groans.
We check out and then catch an ride back to the hotel, where the other boys have been hiding out all day, because of their immense hang overs.
I get my camera and laptop all set up on a table and push it infront if the bed.
"This is going in the vlog so it won't be too long I promise." I smile.
Alex rolls his eyes and I hit the record button.

I've been trying to write this chapter for like 2 days FUCK sorry y'all. I'm tryin :') also we're already at 5k reads HELL YEAH

My online enemy  (Imallexx) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang