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On there second arrival on Eris Annabelle didn't wake up in the middle of a forest, but rather on a lush meadow, over which she had flown at her first visit. The warming sun was setting and the high grasses reminded of a fiery ocean. For a moment she closed her eyes and breathed in the fresh air. She remembered Annas story, who had told her of minty smelling meadows, snowcapped mountains, a turquoise sea and breathtaking sceneries. This place resembled the one, she had imagined in her dreams. She was standing on a small hill and could see the alyntic walls. She knew the way but kept her eyes open for Jason. Annabelle could barely see over the grasses which reached over her shoulders and tickled her neck as a fine breeze glided through them. As she looked to her right, she noticed a dark shock of hair who fought, gasping for air, against gripping slings but failed and fell to the ground.

»Jason!« She shouted and waited.

»Belle!« he replied and tried to move closer into her direction.

»Do you need help?« Annabelle asked and fought against the grass herself by ripping them out of the earth. They twined around her calves and ankles but a beetle crawled out of an earth hole and tried climbing onto her shoes. The insect fell to the ground and vanished between stones.

»That is Alyntos?« Jason asked as he stared at the marble wall and glass made towers. The sun let them appear to be standing within a fire.

A shadow flew above Annabelle and instinctively she ducked. She heard a birds wings and grabbed Jasons sleeves to pull him down. Abruptly he stumbled against her. The grass blew over their heads and they only hear the breezing wind. They glanced over the blades of grass just to hear a laugh.

The majestic, reddish and golden eagle landed on the meadow and a young man glided elegantly from its back. The face of her saviour she immediately remembered.

»Rafael« she smiled and jumped up. Jason followed her reluctantly and glanced over her shoulder to observe the man in black monitur, who pulled Annabelle into a short hug.

»Jason, this is Rafael. Rafael, this is Jason. I've told you about him, you remember?« She introduced them to each other. In silence they observed each other, followed by a polite nodding and giving a short handshake.

»Can I give you a ride?«

He pointed to Elyas who fluffed his plumage and spread his wings gracefully as he crowed.

»Not all of us will fit on this aviator« Jason doubted.

As if Elyas had understood he turned his head to the side to spread his swing arms.

»You can walk if you want and climb up the wall« Rafael replied and jumped onto the back of Elyas. Annabelle, smiling, let him pull her up and she put her hands around his torso.

»Come on!« She shouted. Jason stood in front of the eagle, his arms crossed, but eventually he agreed. Elyas convulsed and threw him almost off again. Jason just looked grimy and clung onto Annabelle, if Elyas decided to throw him over again.

Abruptly Elyas pushed his feet off the ground and teared grass out with it as well as roots. Jason felt every flapping on his knees and shin and strengthened his grip.

»You must have been in a hurry to get away from me« Rafael shouted against the wind and turned his head. His hair partly covers his face and Annabelle's strands whipped over her mouth and eyes. Smiling, she rolled her eyes and passed over his testimony uninhibitedly.

»Why did we end up in front of Alyntos and not within the walls?« She called and got closer to his ear.

»The protective barriers over Alyntos don't allow direct portal travel« he shouted.

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