Always Want What You Can't Have

Start from the beginning

"Do I have to answer that?" I asked Jenna without looking around.

"You can have three shots of tequila instead," she said.

Three shots of tequila? What did that even mean? Could I even stand after three shots? My mom was just outside these doors. If she caught me I'd be dead. But if I picked a boy here and he happened to have a girlfriend it'd be so embarrassing. In the other hand if I picked someone single I could be straight up rejected, or worse have someone try to hit on me. I hadn't even met the Dean yet to make a good impression and I was sure this did not involve Tequila.  

"Three shots is nothing, go ahead." She tried to assure me and I hated that I had no idea what three shots meant on the off chance it could kill me I looked around trying to pick someone out. 

At the moment I was about to point out a blonde boy in the corner minding his own business eating olives from a glass all alone someone came in through the doors. The last person I thought I'd see there. He wasn't wearing a suit or tux like the others, he even had the audacity to wear boots with his dress pants and an unbuttoned black shirt. 

"Adam?" I said his name out loud and that's when he saw me.

"Emily?" He asked confused.

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" Everyone cheered and I shook my head saying no but Adam smirked wondering what was going on.

"What's going on here?" He came towards Jenna and I.

"She had to pick someone she'd be willing to kiss in this room," Jenna explained.

"Really?" He looked at me and before I could say anything his lips met mine.

"Are you crazy?" I backed away and left the pool house in the midst of the stares.

I went around to the back alone tapping my heels on the stones. Damn it. I touched my lips then hit the wall. What was he doing here? And why did he put his lips against mine? I thought he was done trying to do this? My mom was a few steps away. She could have walked in and seen the whole thing then what would happen? My stupid heart was beating so fast I thought my chest was going to explode.

"Sorry I couldn't resist the chanting," Adam said and I looked at him angry from his carelessness. "Or the way you look tonight," he finished and I looked away. "You can't even look at me?"

"My mom is here. If she saw that..." I shook my head and he grabbed my hand.

Adam took me to the back of the pool house. 

"Now no one can see us," he said and I held his hand back. 

Why was I holding his hand back after what he did? He did the opposite of what I asked him to do. But just then he intertwined our fingers and something in me jumped up. He lifted my hand up to his mouth and kissed it. We were too close again.

"Don't you care that my parents would never allow this to happen?" I asked him.


"How can you not mind?"

"Because if you want it too there's nothing they can do about it," he touched my cheek.

"I can't go against them. I'm not strong enough."

"Then hide me. I don't care."

"You're unbelievable."

Adam shrugged still holding my hand and I shook my head. "I need to go back to the wedding."

"Are you still trying to avoid me?"

"I only came to the wedding to get a chance to meet the Dean of Winchester University. And if I don't do that today I know it'll somehow be my fault. So I have to go do that."

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