“I can take it from here Luka.”

The man, who I assumed to be Shane, stepped forward. He was muscular, his black hair was short and he was a least six feet tall.

“Where is the girl?” He asked, seeming annoyed.

“Who are you?” I asked.

“My name is Shane. Where is she? We will take her by force if we have to.”

I glared at the man in front of me, tightening my grip on Stefan’s hand to keep myself calm.

‘No one, and I mean no one, but me kills this bastard, understood?’ I growled through the mind link and was responded with a variety of ‘understood’ and ‘yes Luna’.

“Why do you want her?” Stefan asked, “Actually, why did you want her mother too? What has this pack ever done to you?”

Shane laughed, “What have they done to me? Your pack killed my mate.” He roared. “Jeremiah Blackwell killed my mate twenty two years ago. So I killed his. And now, I will kill his daughter to.”

I laughed. I couldn’t help it. This guy actually thought he was going to get anywhere near me?

“Well, Shane, you see, you’ve failed to kill me every time you’ve tried.” I informed him, amused as his face turned to shock. “Yeah, that’s right. I’ve been standing right in front of you imbeciles this entire time. First you kill my mother, and then you send vampires to kidnap me? Really? Kidnapping? Can you get any more predictable?”

Shane let out a low growl, glaring at me.

“What you don’t seem to get, is that no one is going to let you anywhere near me. Not my father, not my brother, nor my mate. You’ll die trying. And for what? A feud between you and my father? “

“He killed my mate!” Shane growled.

“Yes, I did.” My father spoke up, placing a hand on my shoulder, “she attacked my mate and my son when they had done nothing to provoke her. She tried to kill my family. I did what I had to do to protect them.”

‘Stefan, I know I’m pregnant, but, I’m fighting if it comes down to that.’ I told him, eyeing the wolves that were appearing through the trees. ‘I’ll be extra careful, but I need to do this.’

‘I understand.’ Stefan whispered and I felt his lips brush against my forehead. I had tuned out of my father’s conversation with Shane.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Luka, now in wolf form, making slow, deliberate steps towards Stefan.

‘Protect mate’ my wolf screamed at me.

I pushed Stefan behind me and crouched down, letting out a low warning growl.

“Take one more step and I’ll snap your neck.” I growled menacingly.

“Now, now Ariana, no need to be harsh.” Shane stated.

“No need? No one threatens my mate and gets away with it.” I snapped back.

A whisper of sound came from some distance behind me. I knew that the rogues in front of us could not hear it yet, but the pack could.

“Ah, it appears that our guests have arrived.” I stated, amused.

Shane glanced around, confused.

The pack separated in two with Stefan and I still in the middle, as King Blake along with at least forty other shifters who were already in their wolf form, appeared at the side of the house.

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