Sao Paulo. Brazil

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"Do you think I'm that stupid? I'm not going to fall for that again." He says in a malicious tone, his eyes burning into mine as he licks his lips and leans forward closing what little space there is between us.

Harry's perspective.

"I need another drink," I announce to Mitch when I return to our table and down the last of the champagne in my glass in one. Picking up the nearest bottle, I realise disappointedly that it's empty.

"Jeff's just gone to the bar, he'll be back in a minute. Where'd you go anyways? I saw you head outside with that crew girl?"

"Doesn't matter, I'm back now," I reply, slumping down into the booth next to Mitch and laying my head on his shoulder.

"You know, I may not say much H, but I see a lot. It doesn't take a genius to realise that you're head over heels for that girl." Mitch says matter-of-factly, and I sit up straight in surprise.

"It doesn't?" I ask him, shocked, I thought I'd done a better job of covering my tracks than that.

"It was obvious the night I saw you carrying her into the hotel in Australia mate. Sorry. I figured you were trying to keep it quiet, so I didn't mention it. But, you know I'm here to listen if you need to talk right?" he says sombrely, and I kick myself for not having gone to him sooner, Mitch is one of my best friends, if there is anyone I could talk to about Maddie who would never in a million years judge her or me, it's him.

"Not sure there's anything to talk about any more. I think I just fucked it all up." I tell him, and the minute the words leave my mouth, I know they are true. I was too hard on Maddie. Fuck I was an absolute dick to her! God knows I of all fucking people know how hard it is to have to live your life in the public eye. To have everyone judging you, to have rumours spread about you, assumptions made just because you're seen out with someone even when nothing is going on. I can't expect her to be able to just snap her fingers and learn to deal with it all overnight, it took me years, and to be honest, some days I'm still not sure I really deal with it well.

"I'm sure whatever stupid thing you've done can be sorted out. She's crazy about you too, you know." Mitch says

"Yeah? And how do you know that?"

"The way she looks at you, I see her sometimes, during soundcheck, just staring up at you whilst we're rehearsing. You can almost see the little cartoon hearts floating above her head." he chuckles. Now I feel like even more of a dick than I did before if that's possible. Fuck.

"I should go apologise," I tell him, and start to stand up, just as Jeff reappears at the table with a tray of shots in one hand and a bottle of champagne in the other.

"Drinks, boys!" He exclaims, and in my drunken state, I promptly managed to forget all about my good intentions and reach for the nearest glass.

Maddie's Perspective.

The taste of his lips on mine makes me shudder. His kiss is nothing like Harry's. There is no tenderness in him, no passion, no real desire even. Just a man who doesn't like being told no taking what he wants in a show of dominance. To prove to himself that no one can refuse him, that he holds all the cards. As his tongue forces its way past my lips, I debate biting down on it, but with my head pressed up against the wall, I can't get the right angle. I remain completely still as he probes around my gritted teeth, trying to find an opening. The taste of whiskey permeates my taste buds, and I fight to not gag, although maybe puking in his mouth might get him off me.

My wrists are still trapped in his hand between us, aching from the uncomfortable position and pressure he is exerting to keep them there. I can feel his erection pressing into my thigh, his chest is pushed up against mine, making it increasingly difficult for me to breath. Pure icy cold sweat trickles down my spine. My terror seeping out through my pores and making its way down my skin as I rack my brains for a way out of this, but nothing comes to me, my mind is a fog of fear as my nightmares come true.

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