Doorways, Dance floors and Darkened corridors. Brisbane, Australia.

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Maddie's Perspective.

Another day, another bloody aeroplane.

You'd think that I'd be starting to get used to all this by this point, I mean I did manage to survive the trip over from Europe after all. Still, as I stand in the airport in Sydney waiting for our flight to be called, my sweaty palms and nervousness are back with a vengeance.

Last night, before I begrudgingly detached Harry's lips from my skin and made my way back to my own room, he did offer for me to fly up in business class with him and the band, but given that we are supposed to be keeping this thing between us under-wraps, that didn't seem like the most sensible plan, so I declined. Besides, I don't want to leave Sammy really. She's been so quiet and down since her fight with Freddie, it just didn't seem fair to abandon her in coach with Clark and bugger off to sip free champagne with Harry, no matter how tempting it might have been.

At that exact moment, as if he could somehow sense that I was thinking about him, a tall, dark-haired man goes walking past the uncomfortable plastic chairs that Sammy and I are sitting on, averting his eyes purposefully away from us. No, not Harry, mores the pity, but Freddie.

"Urgh." Sammy mumbles under her breath so that only I can hear "Surely they should make someone like him ride in the trucks with the equipment rather than subject us all to being trapped on a plane with him." She continues once he has taken a seat a little further down the terminal and is out of earshot.

"Personally I think they should have made him walk," I say jokingly, throwing Sammy a wink in an attempt to coax a smile on to her sullen face, but she just nods in agreement. "Have you spoken to him at all since your date?" I ask her

"Nope. And I don't plan to either. He's text a few times, and he managed to corner me backstage last night after takedown. Thankfully Paul walked by at that exact moment, and I got away without having to listen to more of his bullshit excuses. I mean, what is there to say? He fucked up, badly. Spent all that time begging me to go out with him properly then spent most of the date on the sodding phone to his bloody ex-girlfriend! Who does that?"

"He was an idiot. I'm not arguing that fact at all. But... you clearly miss him, and he really did seem sorry when he followed you back to the hotel, maybe it really was an important call, and he just couldn't get away?" I say quietly, hoping that she won't bite my head off.

"He shouldn't have answered the fucking call in the first place! If she's that important, well, he can just go back to her, can't he?" Sammy snaps back and pointedly picks up a nearby magazine and begins to flick through the pages, signalling loud and clear that this conversation is very much over.

Urgh, I have a feeling that this short ninety-minute flight to Brisbane is going to feel just as long as the flight over to Australia from London.

When we finally land in Brisbane, I am exhausted. I managed to nap a little bit on the plane. Still, for some reason, I've just woken up even more tired than I was before, the combination of late nights and time zone changes is really starting to play havoc with my brain.

The minute we get to the hotel I collapse on the bed in a heap and pull a pillow over my face in an attempt to block out the ridiculously bright Australian sunlight that is blaring through the windows. We have literally two hours before we have to get to the arena for tonight's show. Having shows on consecutive nights in different cities really is quite a pain in the arse, I think to myself as I set the alarm on my phone and pitifully attempt to get in some sleep before we need to leave.

When the alarm starts blaring at me ninety minutes later I swear to god it takes every bit of willpower I have not to launch my phone across the room. I can't even be slightly bothered to move right now, let alone go and start lugging around equipment. Glancing at the screen though I notice a text, and the sight of the recipient's name alone is enough to turn my bad mood around.

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