Sao Paulo. Brazil

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Maddie's Perspective.

"Aren't you pleased to see me, sweetheart?" Novak slurs, striding closer towards me in the darkened alleyway. I feel goose bumps prickling my skin despite the warm night air in Sao Paulo, and a cold sweat breaks out across my forehead.

"Leave me alone," I say forcefully and try and make my way past him, back to the party, back to Harry, but he sidesteps easily, blocking my path.

"Ahh don't be like that. I must say I was surprised when I saw you walk in tonight, I didn't expect to see you at an event like this. But I guess that's what you get when you're shagging the boss right? I saw him drag you out here. Then low and behold, he re-enters the party, but you don't. It's not safe to leave a lady like you outside alone in the dark in a strange country. Harry should know better." Novak teases me, stepping closer again and forcing me to move back up against the wall. His breath stinks of whiskey, and he's not as steady on his feet as I remember him being in his office before I punched him in the balls last time. What is it with drunk men and me tonight?

Standing stock-still, I try and consider what the best plan of action is here. Could I try and shove him? Might I be able to push him over as he's already off balance and get past him back into the party? Could I scream? Chances are over the sounds of the music no one would actually hear me. Or should I run out into the dark, desolate streets of an unknown country and try and find a cab to get back to the hotel? Fuck, my bag! I haven't even got the hotel key on me, I tucked a spare few Brazilian Reals into my boot earlier just in case I needed them, but everything else that could be of use to me right now is in my handbag back inside, sat on the table next to where I was dancing just a few minutes ago.

"Nothing to say? You were so confident last time I saw you, kneeing me the way that you did, I've been hoping for a chance to repay you for that." he drawls, and I notice that whilst I have been trying to figure out what the hell to do, he has closed what little space there was between us and is now standing right next to me, leaning casually against the wall as if he doesn't have a care in the world.

Swallowing the bile rising at the back of my throat, I try and steady myself and reply in the strongest voice that I can

"Fuck off Novak."

"Tut tut tut, such colourful language from such a pretty girl. You really should watch how you speak to your betters."

"I would if there were any around." I manage to squeak out, the words themselves contrasting strongly with the squeak of my almost inaudible voice. I have to get away from him.

A cold finger runs it way up the bare skin of my arm, sliding under the rolled-up sleeve of my dress and I fight the urge to gag at his touch.

"Get off me!" I cry, pulling myself away from the wall and attempting to dart around him, but he's too fast. In an instant, his hands shoot out and grasp my upper arms, pushing me forcefully back against the brick wall as his body comes down on top of mine. His groin digging forcefully against my hip.

"No, please.." I whimper, struggling against his grip, but its no use. He learnt his lesson last time and keeps my wrists pinned between us in one of his large hands, leaving me unable to defend myself.

"I must say, I much prefer this ensemble to the one that you wore to my office. Much easier access." He drawls as his free hand runs up my thigh, across the pale exposed flesh between my boot and my dress, and I can't control the disgusted sound that escapes my lips. I try to raise my leg to shake him off, to stamp on his foot, knee him in the balls again, something! Anything! But the moment I move an inch, he grips my thigh in his thick meaty hand and holds it firmly in place.

A Dreamers DreamTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang