On the road... again

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Am I going to be safe alone in the car with you tomorrow? or should I bring security? H x

I'm laying in bed in my hotel room in Manchester desperately trying to sleep through Sammy's insanely loud snores - Seriously I don't know how anyone on our entire floor is managing to get any sleep tonight. When a message pops up on my screen, completely derailing me and making me crash and burn out of the level of Piano tiles that I was crushing not two seconds ago. Dammit! H? I am assuming that's got to be Harry. How did he even get my number?

Closing my game in frustration, I flick open my messages and see that not only does Harry have my number, but his appears to be saved on my phone. Or at least I assume it's his, the name on the contact reads "Arry Tyles" What the...

Given you were already on thin ice after your little stunt the other night, and now I find out that you've somehow procured my phone number. I'd say security would be a sensible way to go Arry Tyles?? x

The response comes back almost instantly.

Eak! I may have stored my number on your phone when I took it off charge in my room in Birmingham and called myself, so I'd have yours. Don't be mad! I figured putting my real name was a little obvious. Besides, this way I'm the first contact in your phone book! Genius huh? H x

I'm not entirely sure that's the word I'd use. Besides, I have a friend called Aaron, sooo you're still second. Sorry to disappoint Mr Tyles x.

Dammit! A tiny flaw in an otherwise perfectly thought out plan. But you're still responding, so I guess you aren't too mad at least. We still on for tomorrow? Can I meet you at the back exit at 11? H x

Back exit? You get how that sounds, right? Jeez, Tyles at least offer to buy me dinner first x.

Har Har, always the comedian aren't you? Do you still want a ride or not? H

Shit, no kiss.. seems my smart mouth may have gotten a bit too carried away this time. Or smart fingers, I guess? God it's too late for this crap I think to myself, glancing at the clock on the phone, three twenty-five-am. Urgh.

Sorry, I'm cranky. It seems that unbeknownst to me when I agreed to room with her, Sammy snores and I don't think I've gotten more than a couple of hours sleep since we arrived in Manchester, I'm exhausted. I'd be very grateful for a lift if you are sure you don't mind X.

You do get that ordinary people don't use words like 'unbeknownst' when they are cranky, right? Or any other time for that matter. Remind me to pick you up some earplugs. See you at 11. I hope you get some rest. H xx

Ooh two kisses this time, perhaps he's making amends for missing one in his earlier message? I wonder as I type out a quick reply.

When did I ever say I was normal? See you then x.

I quickly set the alarm for ten in the morning, groaning as I do so. I really wasn't exaggerating to Harry about the lack of sleep I've had. I'm so tired I reckon I could sleep for at least a week and I am seriously considering driving back to my own flat after takedown of the first London show in order to get a good nights sleep in my own bed. I've got to find time to go over there anyways, so that seems as good a time as any other and I'm guaranteed lighter traffic at that time of the night if nothing else.

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