Well damn. Dublin, Ireland.

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Harry's perspective.

By the time I leave Maddie's room, the sun has started to rise over the many tall office buildings surrounding our hotel in Dublin, and a low grey mist is hanging around outside the windows.

But, despite the hour, I don't feel tired at all. The revelations from tonight have left me with a shit load of excess energy that I need to work off. So I head back to my room and throw on a pair of shorts and a scrappy old concert T-shirt, before making my way down to the hotel gym. Hoping that letting off a bit of steam will make me feel better.

I thought I had prepared myself to deal with hearing the details of precisely what happened in that fucking meeting before I went up to Maddie's room tonight. After speaking to Sammy, I'd spent what little time I had before the show trying to get my head around it all, and I thought I had a plan.

I had resolved to get as much information from Maddie as possible so that I would be well informed to make some calls later to get this situation dealt with. I had steeled myself to hear the worst, or so I thought. I'd promised myself I would control my temper in front of her, which I failed at miserably a couple of times annoyingly. But I knew I had to be firm and get some details out of her too, Not matter how hard it was, or there is no way I will be able to get Novak the punishment he deserves.

The one thing I didn't prepare myself for was the way it felt hearing about another guy touching her. I didn't know I needed to! I had absolutely no idea I would react the way that I did. That the mere thought of another man, any man, touching Maddie, consensually or not, absolutely infuriated me.

I mean, of course, as it was without her consent it was always going to be upsetting to anyone who knows or cares about her. Or is just a decent fucking human being with morals. Still, I didn't expect the searing fire burning somewhere deep in my belly when she described him kissing her. Or the way my heart felt like it was going to burst out of my chest at the image in my mind of someone else's lips pressed against hers. It wasn't just anger I was feeling, but jealousy too. When did that happen?

Sure Maddie's a great girl, she's feisty, witty and interesting and she has a wicked sense of humour, and of course, I noticed that she's hot, I'm not blind. But I thought what I was feeling for her was nothing more than friendship. I like the fact that she treats me like a regular person and doesn't get all star-struck and tongue-tied like a lot of the crew members seem to. Especially the girls.

I can't stand them all flipping their hair and pouting their lips at me every time I attempt to have a regular conversation with them, so mostly I tend to limit myself to socialising with the rest of the band and the members of the team that I've worked with before.

But, from the first moment, Maddie literally came crashing into my life, with her two left feet, swearing like a sailor. She's treated me the same way she treats everyone else I've seen her interact with. It has been so refreshing that I couldn't stop myself from wanting to help her, and spend more time around her. Although having to try and calm her down after the events of that fucking meeting wasn't quite what I had in mind.

I realise I am clenching my fists as I make my way down to the gym in the basement of the hotel, taking the stairs two at a time and using the exercise as my warm-up.

What the fuck made him think he could put his hands on her?? And the shit he said to her about me as well, I want to punch him for that too. How dare he imply that I'd somehow use my 'position', my 'fame', my 'job'... whatever the hell you want to call it, to lure young women into my bed in return for a shot at an interview like that?

Not to be a dick, but it's not particularly difficult for me to find someone to share my bed with if I'm in the mood. I don't need to resort to blackmailing, and even if I did, I never would! I'd rather sort myself out thanks than be putting my hands on someone who didn't really want to be there. I'm nothing like that scumbag Novak.

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