Oh Tell me something I don't already know. Nashville & Pennsylvania, USA.

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Harry's perspective.

I follow along slowly, a few steps behind Maddie, as we walk through the back entrance to one of my favourite places in Nashville, my heart pounding in my chest, why am I so bloody nervous? Because you love her Styles, that's why, a clear, loud voice echoes in the back of my mind. And I know the voice has a point. I honestly can't remember anyone I've ever felt this strongly about before, sure I've been in love, or at least, I thought I was at the time, but I was much younger then and how deeply in love can you really fall when you're not even legally old enough to vote? This is different. I don't think there is anything that I wouldn't do in order to make the beautiful woman in front of me smile, and I am hoping that today, I might just get my biggest smile yet.

As Maddie turns the corner at the end of the long corridor that we've followed from the back entrance and finally sees where we are, I hear her take a sharp intake of breath before she comes to a complete and sudden standstill and I'm glad I chose to leave a little distance between us, or I'd have crashed straight into her. Closing the space, I walk up behind her and slide my arms around her waist, resting my chin on her shoulder.

"Wow." She breathes, and her angelic blue eyes dart from left to right, taking in the scene in front of us as we stand in the doorway of one of the best guitar shops in town.

There are guitars of every shape and size hanging in neat rows from the floor all the way up to the high ceilings, every colour of the rainbow is on display, every well-known brand of guitar is stocked here, along with a selection of pristine hand-made one of a kind instruments that Hunter designs and makes himself. I'm proud to say that I have one of his creations in my collection, it's one of the best guitars I've ever owned. Littered here and there amongst the guitars are various other instruments, the odd drum kit, a few violins and some keyboards, but the guitars are the main focus, you can tell they are Hunter's real passion.

"I was thinking that, as much as I know you are attached to it, maybe it's time we upgraded that guitar of yours. No disrespect but, if you're going to be a real musician, you need to have a real instrument, and Hunter here has one of the finest selections in town." I tell Maddie as I take her hand and start to lead her deeper into the store.

"Give me a holler if you need anything," Hunter says, clapping me on the back and walking back out the same way we just came in to give us some privacy.

"Harry this is amazing but, I can't afford anything in here! I'm scared to even get too close in case I trip over my own feet and break something." Maddie says, her voice full of awe and wonder as I tug her forward unwillingly. Hmm, I must admit, I hadn't taken her epic clumsiness into consideration, better keep an eye on her.

"This is my treat Trouble. I would be honoured if you would let me buy you a new guitar." I tell her honestly, placing a hand over my heart for emphasis, and I am rewarded by the smile I was hoping for as her face lights up. "As long as you keep your promise and name it after me, of course."

We spend the next hour or so happily trying out various different guitars, debating what kind would be the best fit for my girl, after a bit of persuasion, she finally agrees to have a strum on a few of the instruments, and as I hand each one to her, I am exceedingly pleased that Hunter doesn't put price labels on his stock. I'm pretty sure that she'd probably have a heart attack if she realised that she just called a 1954 Les Paul Gold top worth about four grand 'uncomfortable to play'. Taking the guitar from her, I place it carefully back on its stand and lead her over to the section that contains Hunters one of a kind pieces. Within moments her eyes have been drawn to a violet thin necked guitar which sits on its own in a glass case to our right, it's a bit over the top for me, with various different shades of purple and pink paint across the face in almost an imitation of leopard print, but I can see from the way Maddie is nearly drooling over it that this is going to be the one.

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