Welcome to the Final show. The Forum, LA. USA.

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Harry's POV.

"So, tonight's the big night! You ready for this mate? Last show of your first solo tour?" Jeff asks as he pokes his head around the door of my dressing room.

As always, he looks relaxed and happy, a big grin plastered across his face as he pushes the door further open and steps inside. And why shouldn't he? All in all this tour has gone off without a hitch, sure there has been the odd technical issue, like the bloody screen not wanting to rise properly in Madrid, a few suits that needed last minute adjustments or ones had to be abandoned entirely ten minutes before curtain in favour of something else, and then there were also the issues that we had getting the crew and gear into Canada, but each and every show has sold out – which in itself is a mystery to me, why thousands of people are willing to shell out their hard earned cash each night to come and see me prance about on stage when I've only got ten songs to my name, well ten from the album anyways, is baffling to this simple lad from Cheshire, but I ain't complaining – every crowd has screamed and shouted and seemingly enjoyed themselves, we've raised money for several charities through the treat people with kindness campaign and merchandise sales, and other than losing the girl, the headline act has managed to survive with nothing but a couple of colds and some jet lag.


Instantly at the thought of her, my palms are sweaty, and my heart starts to pound in my chest. I shakily try and do up the buttons on my shirt and successfully manage to do three before I give up entirely, that'll do, I think to myself as I run a hand through my hair anxiously.

"As ready as I'll ever be I guess," I reply to Jeff, surprised when my voice breaks a little over the words, better sort that the fuck out before you go on stage Styles, I say to myself internally and clear my throat.

"You'll be fine mate. The crowd's just coming in now, and the place is absolutely buzzing. I should probably warn you, there are a few familiar faces out there tonight, including a couple who you'd easily recognise from other parts of their bodies too if you know what I mean." Jeff jokes, and I cringe

"Kendall?" I ask, she mentioned that she might come along if her schedule allowed for it.

"And Camille." Jeff nods

Fucking wonderful.

"Anyone else?" I ask, stupidly hopeful. Thankfully Jeff doesn't ask me to elaborate, he knows me well enough by now to know who I am asking about.

"Not yet, but people are still making their way in. A lot of them are still outside taking photos." Jeff tries to reassure me. Reminding me that his dad, who is chairman of the company that owns the Forum, allowed us to put loads of my lyrics on the walls outside, as well as a huge wall in the foyer with various photos that were taken over the course of the tour and a few other bits, no doubt a lot of the fans will be taking photos out there and making the most of their night before the show starts. Which isn't for another hour yet.

I turn to grab my phone from the dressing room table to check if anyone (Maddie?) has gotten in touch, totally forgetting that it's plugged into the wall charger and managing to topple a glass of water over the entire surface. God, I'm becoming as clumsy as she is!

"Shit!" I curse loudly, craning my head around the room, looking for tissues. Before I've managed to locate any, Jeff is by my side, as he always is, ready to save the day and starts mopping up the mess with a stray towel. No new messages. Hardly surprising since I last checked it about three minutes ago but still my stomach sinks.

"You alright mate? You seem... more nervous than usual." He asks me, concern clear in his eyes.

"Yeah. It's just... Well, I asked Maddie to come. I had lunch with her yesterday and gave her a ticket for tonight."

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