...At all i see. Melbourne, Australia

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Maddie's perspective

Time seemed to stand still whilst I was wrapped in Harry's strong embrace, whether hours had passed or just minutes, I had no idea. All I was aware of in those moments where the feel of his hands tentatively exploring parts the less risqué parts of my body. His soft lips hungrily pressed onto mine, and the overwhelmingly tantalizing sensation of his tongue massaging my own.

Eventually, our kiss naturally came to an end, and as Harry drew himself up to his full height, he brushed his lips softly across my forehead in a gesture that instantly reassured me that he wasn't looking to make me just another notch on his bedpost. Which, from what I have read and been told, is already pretty intricately engraved with the ghosts of his past partners, but that I meant something more to him.

The sweet and tender motion soothed the fire burning furiously in my veins and left me feeling peaceful and safe. Something I don't think any man has made me feel before, with the exception of my dad, my brother and Clark.

"Wow," Harry breathed as he exhaled a puff of air past his teeth and ran a hand through his messy hair.

"That was some first kiss Mr Styles."

"Haha! Erm, I have a little confession to make Trouble. Technically, that wasn't our first kiss." He replied in his deep, even, northern accent, confusing me entirely, and I looked up at him with a muddled expression on my face.

"Erm.. Unless you've been kissing me in my sleep, I think you'll find it was. Or are you trying to count the kiss before I pulled away as a single incident?" I questioned him

"No, no, no! As adorable as you are when you're sleeping, even when you're snoring actually, which is quite impressive. I prefer my women conscious thanks! My ego is still a little bruised that you don't remember, but, you kissed me in the ocean the other night. As a thank you for jumping in to save you." Harry told me, blushing slightly.

"Fuck!" I exclaimed, way too loudly considering how close I still was to the microphone.

My expletive bounces off every wall in the empty arena brazenly echoing its way back to us. In my horror, I buried my head in my hands. It wasn't just a dream. I think a part of me had known that my imagination just isn't good enough to conjure up those kinds of feelings, but honestly, when I try and picture Harry and me in the ocean that night, all I remember is my dream from the plane, nothing concrete springs to mind and there is a blurry haze surrounding the entire image as there often is when you're trying to remember a half-forgotten dream.

I felt Harry's long fingers prying gently around the edges of my hands, trying to pull them away from my face which is burning so hotly that I am surprised he can bear to be so close to it at all. I resisted him as best I could, but my injured hand was starting to protest at the uncomfortable position, and I had to submit and lower my hands eventually, keeping my gaze fixed firmly on them as I did so in order to avoid Harry's eyes.

"I.. I had a dream, on the plane here... where we were kissing in the sea, but, I didn't think it could possibly be true. Surely I'd remember that?" I said in a quiet voice feeling my cheeks flush furiously, god I bet I look like a tomato under this damn spotlight.

"Ha! Yeah well, I thought you would have too, I guess alcohol has wonderful amnesiac like properties for you" he chuckled back

"I guess so. Shit. I'm sorry, Harry." I mumbled apologetically, absolutely mortified that A) I had kissed him at all when I was so drunk. And B) that I had the awfully bad manners to then forget the incident entirely the next day.

"Don't be sorry. I won't be forgetting that kiss in a hurry or this one. Or this one.." He said, taking my face in his hands again and peppering my face with tiny bird-like kisses between his words "Or this one. Or this..."

A Dreamers DreamNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ