Arc 2: Sand Part 2

Start from the beginning

At the same time, the ground suddenly erupted and a giant statue with a face of a hundred eyes, and several giant hands which were attached on the statue emerged from the ground and a few moments later, holograms or silhouettes of the members started to appear one by one.

The extracting ritual was beginning to take shape and later a meeting was to be held.

Itachi watched as another ritual was going to take place.

This organization has so many members from different paths of life and it's only a matter of time before the tailed beast inside of the Jinchurikki will be extracted from him, thus taking away another life in this world.

He could only hope that his beloved village would send a team, stop this cruel violence before life truly got to flourish.


"Being on this organization is really pain to be honest."



They stopped walking once they crossed the forest and reached the desert, looking over the dunes of sand.

"Alright," Naruto groaned, sweat sliding down his forehead at the heat, not helped at all by his refusal to take off his jacket. "We finally reached the desert!"

Boruto scanned the mountains of the waste, calculating. By this time tomorrow, they'd be at Suna. Meaning the fight will begin soon after. He glanced at Himawari and Sarada, both a bit tired, but determined.

"Sunagakure is just up ahead," Temari walked forward and then turned to them. People from Suna truly were amazing, withstanding all this heat dressed head to toe in black without breaking a single sweat, they were superhumans. "It's best if I take the lead from here on out."

"Lead on," Kakashi nodded.

They started walking into the desert, their feet sinking a little bit into the sand before they lifted them to take another step. Last time Boruto was in the Wind country's deserts he was on a mission with Sarada and Mitsuki, to deliver an important artifact to the Suna. That felt like a lifetime ago.


"But Lady Chiyo! You're the only one who can extract the poison from Kankuro!"

Baki pleaded with the elder woman. He was desperate to save the young man, the Kazekage's older brother. Apparently, the brown-haired young man had attempted to save his brother but failed, the Akatsuki were just too much for him to handle.

A tall man with two distinctive red markings on his face. He was a man of good principle. He was very loyal to the sand village and would do everything that he could to save the young man's life. He was the only survivor as the rest of the team that was sent to rescue the Kazekage were wiped out, though they weren't sure that would be the case if they didn't get rid of the vile poison soon.

Lady Chiyo was the only one who had the ability to heal the young man. In fact, he thought that she was the only one who had more medical knowledge than the medics here in the village. He had hoped that she could help extract the lethal poison out of the young man's body, but it seemed selfishness truly never dies, the old coot refused to even glance at Kankuro, as if one look would magically cure him.

"I told you Baki, I don't have any more business with the village's affairs." Chiyo stood by her word. She refused to attend the Kankuro's wounds. Her companion, Ebizo just stood there and watched the whole scene unfold.

Baki could only show his disappointment, face set in a deep frown. Although, he never gave up despite the criticism of the two towards himself. It was the truth that he was not a very efficient leader. Too set in the old ways to lead a whole village of opinionated people to a new age. Baki knew he wasn't much good with poisons, he often left that to people like Kankuro, but he will do whatever he can to help.

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