(once upon a time) We had it all

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     Jesy's room does have a hot tub, but by the time we get to the hotel both of us are too tired to do anything but sleep. I only take my makeup off cause Jes drags me to the bathroom, and tells me I'll regret it in the morning if I don't. She's right, but still. A quick goodnight kiss is all we manage before I'm out cold, my arms wrapped snugly around Jesy.

The next time I awaken is to the ringing of a phone. I'm about to chew Jesy out for setting an alarm when I realize it's mine. And it's not an alarm, but a phone call. I decide to just let it ring. I'm already back to sleep when it rings again, waking me up a second time.

"Pez," Jes says, her voice gravelly from sleep.

I quite like it.

"Let it ring," I tell her. We let the phone ring out again, and whoever's on the other line doesn't try and call back right away.

The final time I wake is blessedly peaceful, my body waking up because it's rested. It feels so good after so many days of late nights and obscenely early mornings. Not to mention all the jet lag I never had the time to properly deal with. Jesy is still asleep next to me, but I don't want to rob her of any precious moments spent in a blissful state of unconsciousness, cause who knows when our next opportunity to sleep in will be? I take this time to just look at her, stare at her like I wanted to last night, except this time I don't have to worry about an interviewer asking me questions that I really don't care to answer. She sleeps in a little ball, all curled up in the blankets, just her nose poking out so she can breathe. I pull the blanket down slowly, selfishly, just so I can see more of her beautiful face: sculpted cheekbones, long lashes, a full bottom lip offset by a slightly thinner top one. She's got the cutest nose I've ever seen, I've decided, when she opens her beautiful eyes. In the morning light, they look an inimitable shade of deep green, with hints of orange interspersed throughout. She smiles at me, and I decide that this is the only way I want to wake up everyday.

"Good morning," she says, her voice thick with sleep.

"Morning, beautiful," I say with a smile.

"How long have you been up? You could've woken me."

"Not long," I assure her. "Plus, you look so cute in your sleep. Not that you're not gorgeous when you're awake, but you just look so...content. Happy. It makes me happy."

She blushes, and I can tell she doesn't really know what to say. I lean in for a kiss and she obliges, even though I'm sure we've both got morning breath. I try to deepen the kiss, pushing her back into the bed, when the phone rings. I'm content to ignore it again, but it seems Jesy's got other plans.

"Is that your ringer or mine?" She asks, breaking the kiss.

"Don't know, don't care," I say, leaning in to kiss her again. She responds, but only momentarily, breaking the kiss once the ringer sounds yet again.

"I'll get it," She says, grabbing the ringing phone from the nightstand. I busy myself with kissing my way up her neck, running my tongue along her jawline as she swipes to accept the call.

"Perrie!" She squeals, trying to stifle a laugh. "I'm on the phone."

"And who's fault is that?" I whisper into her other ear, pulling the lobe between my teeth while she tries to talk.

"Perrie, stop!" She squeaks, smiling. "I can't hear. Sorry, who is this?" She says into the phone.

"Oh." She says, seemingly shocked. I immediately stop what I'm doing, wanting to know who's on the other line. "Ah, good morning to you too. Yeah, she's here, if you'd like to speak with her? Alright, then. Goodbye, Debbie."

(no one else can fix me) Only You - a Pesy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now