I'm broken here tonight

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"Pez, are you here?"

"Just a minute, Jes!" I yell. A quick glance at the clock lets me know that, for once, Jesy's early. I'm barely dressed, as I was banking on her being at least a half an hour late.

There's a quick knock on my door. "You decent?"

I laugh. "Since when has that ever mattered to you?"

"Guess you're right," She says, opening the door. To my surprise, she's in holey jeans and and an old black top that boasts about the "best tea in Romford."

"Is that what you're wearing?" I ask, perhaps a little too harshly.

She gives me a look.

"I mean, not that you don't look great. You could wear a bin bag and still be stunning, but this isn't your usual going out look."

"That's cause I'm not going out." She says, plopping down on my bed.

"What do you mean you're not going out? It's your boyfriend's birthday! You've been planning this outfit for 2 months!"

"It's Chris's birthday. He ain't my boyfriend anymore."

"Aw, babe," I say, wrapping my arms around her. She leans her head on me a moment. I know she'll tell me when she's ready, but I can't help but ask. I don't like the quiet.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I think so." She says, leaning into me more fully. "He was just a bit of fun anyway, you know? I think I was just... tired of being alone."

"I understand," I tell her. And boy, do I. After my last disaster of a relationship, it's been a long line of boys who are pretty enough to look at, but nothing special, really. Something's just...missing. I feel like Jes is the only one of the girls who can really understand. An ex-boyfriend is one thing, but an ex fiancee? It's a little messier.

"I just... I don't know. I don't want to go back to Jake, but I do want-"

"What you had." I finish for her. "Yeah, I get it babe. It's nice to know you're in love."

"Innit? I just miss that feeling."

I hug her tight a minute more, but she seems to be done speaking.

"Well, how 'bout this: We find a movie, eat loads of terrible, terrible things, and get so piss drunk that you forget your own birthday, let alone his."

She laughs. "Sounds like a plan to me."

Within 20 minutes, I'm back in my PJs and we've placed a £45 order to dominoes. Another 20, and we're halfway through a bottle of tequila Jesy found in the freezer. We were meant to watch the new Kate Hudson film, but when we turned on the telly Legally Blonde was already playing. We're at the part where Elle's throwing chocolates at the TV when the doorbell rings.

"You expecting someone?" Jesy asks.

"Just the dominoes man," I say, confused.

"Oh, I forgot. Whoops."

"You forgot? How? Aren't you starved?"

"Well yeah, but the tequila made me forget for a minute."

"It is tequila. Perhaps next time you'll let me choose the booze?"

"No, cause you'll pick wine. I don't like wine. Plus, tequila's an antidepressant. Jade told me once."

"I don't think-"

The doorbell rings again.

"Coming!" I yell, leaving my drunk best friend on the couch. I quickly apologize for the delay before tipping the delivery man the bill. He thanks me profusely before hurrying back to his slightly damp car. I had no idea it'd begun to rain. Then again, I haven't left the house all day. And it is London, so I'm not sure what I was expecting.

(no one else can fix me) Only You - a Pesy StoryUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum