"Wait, hold on a moment young lady, I was here to help you", he explained, you hesitantly put your dagger away but kept your whip out as you stared him down, the groans behind your made you look back momentarily but when the man spoke you immediately faced him, "But considering that these men are on the ground, it seems like you didn't need it", he gestures towards the men laying on the ground.

Carefully you wrapped up your whip and set it on your hip beneath your sash, when you look up again you noticed the boy running towards his father and briefly made eye contact with him as he slowed down to stop at his father's side, "Father!!", he cries out.

"Jojo, I told you to stay by the carriage", the father scolds, all while you watch from the sidelines awkwardly shifting from one foot to the other.

The boy looks at the scene in awe and concern as his gaze lands on you, his father spoke again, "Young lady, don't you live with family?", he asked,

"No, I live by myself on these streets sir", you answer, you did really see any reason for you to lie as you usually do.

"Well then, young lady, I believe I can still help you...", he states looking down at you stepping aside, and gesturing for you to follow him, looking back at the men still lying on the ground you cautiously approached the boy and his father, who then continued to speak,"... I'd like to take you in under my wing, your equipment makes you interesting to have around my manor, and maybe you can keep my son safe in more serious situations if you don't wish to come I understand", George explained.

You looked at the ground in thought as George then states, "You may think about it as I call the police to help clean up the -ahem- skirmish you got into", he leaves Jonathan with you as you thought about the situation, either go to the man's manor and act as a bodyguard for his son or roam the streets stealing money and scavenging for food. Looking at the boy you almost noticed his puppy-like eyes eagerly waiting for an answer, when he was caught looking at you his face tinted pink as his cheeks slightly puffed once he looked away.

Finally, you made a decision, when the older man came back you voiced your answer, "I'll go with you, but first I must know your name, sir, before I give you mine", you state, the man smiled as he stuck his hand out towards you in greeting -surprising you considering he was obviously a nobleman-.

"I am George Joestar", lightly grasping his hand you shook it firmly, and looked at his son who eagerly stuck his hand out to shake yours, "I am Jonathan, Jonathan Joestar", he chirps brightly, making you smile a bit.

"I'm (y/n) (l/n)".

You fiddled with your tattered hat as the carriage door soon opens, George gestures for you and Jonathan to enter before him. You sat next to Jonathan, facing his father's direction as Jonathan begins to converse with you, "So (y/n) how old are you exactly?", he asked.

"Twelve sir", you answer, fiddling with the whip in your hands.

"Same age as my son then", Mr. Jostar chuckles heartily as Jonathan smiled at you, "So (y/n), were you always on these streets, from your accent I can't tell if you're from Spain or another Hispanic area", Mr. Jostar questions, genuinely curious.

You slightly smile and look out of the carriage watching the scenery, "I was from Spain, but my mother was from Mexico, my father a Spanish tradesman, and I had three brothers and a sister -all of them older than me...", you look back at Mr. Joestar, "I was kidnapped at seven, only to be placed in an orphanage, but then there was a fire, few people didn't make it out alive... I believe this would be my fourth year on the streets now that I think of it", you explain thoughtfully.

Jonathan frowned as his father sighed softly at your story, feeling sympathetic, looking at the whip and dagger you carried Jonathan soon asked, "Did you acquire the whip and dagger from your time on the streets?".

You were hesitant about answering for a moment but responded anyways, "Yes actually, the dagger was given to me by a man who cared for me until he passed from an illness, and the whip... well it was used on me before I acquired it", you explain, slightly wincing at the end.

Mr. Joestar frowned at the end of your explanation, "Why do you still keep it young (Y/n)? Surely that awful thing must cause you some form of grief by holding onto it", he couldn't help but ask, you faintly smiled as you remembered your "mentor",

"While it is a painful reminder, it is something that I have gotten over, and it has given me a new "strength" so to say, I like to think of it as a fear or challenge that I conquered", you explain, George looked at you curiously but sighed as he nodded in acceptance of your words. It was not his place to take such a thing from you if you didn't wish to depart with it.

All while Jonathan listened to your story he saw you in a new light of admiration, Jonathan was about to say something until he saw his home in view, "Oh (y/n)! We're here now!", he chirped excitedly.

You humed lightly at the sight of his excitement, unused to his rather openly friendly nature, and looked outside to see Mr.Joestar's estate, to say you weren't impressed would've been a huge lie. You couldn't help it when your eyes widened at the sight of the manor and its impressive scenery when the carriage stopped in front of the manor's steps, Jonathan hopped out of the carriage excitedly making you wonder if there was something he was eagerly waiting for. And it wasn't until a dog- that looked to be a Harlequin Great Dane breed- appeared and ran towards Jonathan. Stepping out of the carriage you watched as Jonathan continued to give his dog affection, with a small smile you approached them walking until Jonathan noticed you coming over.

"(Y/n) this is Danny, one of my best friends!", he claims proudly, looking at the Great Dane you hummed softly in response as he knelt down slowly, and stretch your hand out for Danny to sniff.

Danny slowly approached you and nudged your hand a couple of times before sniffing you, his tail slowly began to wag faster until he licked your fingers making you chuckle as you slowly started to scratch behind his ears. You giggled as he leaned into your touch while you stroked and pet his fur, Jonathan also laughed lightly at the sight of you and Danny slowly forming a bond.

"Looks like you're good with animals (y/n)", Jonathan complimented.

"Well, when you have been on the streets for a long time, animals become your family, there are very few people you can trust around the streets", you explain.

Jonathan stared at you for a while as you continue to pet Danny taking comfort in his dog-like ways, "I'll be your friend (y/n)!", Jonathan declared.

Your head snaps towards his direction in surprise, and your eyes slightly widened as you stared at his own determined ones.

Soon a small grin came onto your lips as stood up, Jonathan grins as you huffed but gave the boy a curt nod as you placed a hand on your hip beginning to admire the boy's tenacity, "Okay Jonathan, let's be friends".



•The reader has a set nationality because of the setup in the second story that has to do with linage but I'm allowing free choice in hair color/length/texture/type, eye color, skin color, etc.

•This was going to be an OC story insert but I decided to change it

•I did draw the attire that the reader wares but I won't reveal it until I'm finished coloring it

+Hope you enjoy the story

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