Chapter 13

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Author's note:
Aaaaaaaaaggghhhh!!!! I have to scream!!! I flipping lost everything! The entire chapter! I put my heart and soul making it so emo (l may be exaggerating) and then it mysteriously disappears right when l wanna update!!!!!
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaagh (this is a silent scream)
Oh my goodness l don't think l have it in me to rewrite everything
But do l have a choice?! (Face palms)
I had such a terrible writer's block then when l finally write l lose everything!!!!!!
Okay I'm done flipping.
Here's your chapter.


It was as though silent battle lines had been drawn.  Aunt Sara was the Commander in Chief of the Its-Ntando's-fault front and l was the only one fighting for my team, it's-mama's-fault front.
It appeared as though my family had chosen sides and were all agreeing with Aunt Sara, save for Uncle Roy who was stuck in no mans land, in between the 2 fronts raging war against each other.
My brothers, Ishmael  and Ngqabutho would call checking up on mama and talk to everyone but me.
The whole situation was eating me up inside, l felt l needed someone to talk to. Someone, wise and understanding with potential of giving me solid advice and quieting the turmoil in my heart and mind.
I did consider sharing with my closest friends, but l did not think they would have plausible solutions. I did consider telling Gilbert, but thought against it and decided l would tell him in person when he came to Bulawayo.

By the time it was mid week l thought l was going to burst out with locked up emotion, and so l did the next best thing and l called Pastor Ann, one of our mentors who was giving Gilbert and l pre-marriage counseling.

Did l have a plan in my head? Did l know what exactly l wanted to tell Pastor Ann?
I had no clue whatsoever.

Too late, the phone rang 3 times and Pastor Ann answered, "hie Ntando!"I could already sense the smile from her cheerful voice.

"Hie Pastor are you free to talk?"

"Yeah sure, right now l have about 15 mins free before the kids knock off and l have to collect them from school, is that enough?"

"Yes it is"

There was a brief silence and Pastor Ann's tone changed, she sounded worried, "is everything okay? How are you? How is Gilbert? How is your family?"

"We are all fine pastor, only mum is in hospital she had a heart attack"

"Ohhh I'm so sorry Ntando!" Pastor Ann cried, "l am standing with you in prayer, she will be fine, is there any way l can help?"

"Thanks Pastor, don't worry about it" l was starting to feel flustered, mama was not the reason why l was calling, "Pastor is it okay to get married without a blessing from ones parents?"

Pastor Ann was a very straightforward lady, she never minced her words, "No Ntando, it's not okay, what makes you ask?"

At her response l felt my throat choke up, a sudden urge to cry took over me but l fought back the tears, "what if the parents are just being used by the devil to block one from finding true love and happiness Pastor?"

Pastor Ann sighed thoughtfully before she responded, "okay, before we get into that, l want to remind you of a scripture that says 'honor your father and mother so that things may go well for you and you enjoy a long life, that's Ephesians 6:3"

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