Chapter Two: Summoning

Comincia dall'inizio

I bowed slightly, and sat down across the table from him. As Typhon took off his blue cloak, I observed the room. It was more....lavish than I expected. The window went in a semi circle around the room, and revealed the beauty of our prize capitol. Some of the buildings were in taters, but already, the repairs were underway. As for the chambers themselves, the bed was made, the fireplace lit, and Triton's old picture frames left untouched.

Typhon then sat down, and had noticed me observing. "Yes Paige, I haven't yet renovated this place." I then turned back to face him. "Why is this so?"

"Because Ms. Paige, I knew this man once. He was my best commander in the war against the Romans centuries ago. Perhaps you knew this?"

"I did," came my slow response.

"Well then, you should know why I haven't touched this room. Just like Atlantis itself, it isn't ready for me to rule it."

I was confused, as per usual when I converse with him.

Seeing this, Typhon leaned in closer; his eyes flashing with interest. "I need to understand Triton's Atlantis, and how to fully conquer it. What better way than to find out what weaknesses it's very ruler had?"

I nodded in understanding. "Yes your excellency."

Typhon leaned back in his seat and looked out the window. "Now Ms. Paige, as you know, the war for Atlantis isn't finished yet. Resistance has developed in eastern Atlantis and everywhere between us and Asha. In fact, armies have reportedly developed in The Splinters, while Asgard and the tree remain in resistance hands. Even so, I have more serious problems."


"Tell her, Siphon." Typhon beckoned a hand towards the balcony. I didn't even notice him standing there. I exhaled in surprise when he turned around to face me. His face was shaded by black curly hair, and his face; pale.

It never occurred to me what I should do if I ever met my father, so I just sat there; doing no more than observing him. He slowly made his way towards us.

"My apologies, daughter, we've never met have we?"

My teeth chattered as my gaze shifted towards the floor. "N-No I'm afraid not, father." He then merely chuckled as his gaze shifted towards Typhon, I felt unburdened once he looked away.

"It is good to see you alive and well again, my old friend." Typhon only nodded in response, before scowling. "Why have your agents still failed to report in? I sent them at your recommendation. If I had deployed an actual force there, I could have another Echelon Five by now and the Protostar itself. Now that the entire mystic world knows about me, Hyperborea will be difficult to conquer."

Siphon chuckled nervously. "Well, my lord, they gave you your army. I'm confident they'll report in when the time is right. Perhaps my daughter can-?"

"Do not speak for Paige." Typhon snarled. To my satisfaction, Siphon flinched slightly. "She and I have other matters to discuss, and in regards to my 'serious problems', one of them is your incompetence."

Typhon then stood up, towering above Siphon. "I'll have no qualms finding another viceroy. Until you fulfill what your agents haven't yet done, you are no longer the viceroy of Asha. This goes public and becomes official if the Protostar....and the boy, aren't mine in three days."

Siphon nodded. "I understand." Typhon then waved him off. "Tick-Tock."

With that, Siphon ran out the window and jumped off the balcony. In a flash of light, a large Wyvern appeared in place of Siphon, and flew north. Both Typhon and I watched him go.

My opposite then sat back down and exhaled; seeming....uneasy. It was unlike him to be stiff and quiet, especially in the presence of another.

I had this question burning in my mind from the start. "Your excellency, why have you summoned me here? I haven't even seen you since the battle ended. I've been patrolling local skies for enemies like you asked, so perhaps you think I am needed elsewhere?"

Typhon looked up from the table and kept a serious face. "Correct, Ms. Paige."

He then motioned for me to look at the map on the wall next to the door. It featured the entire world, both ours and theirs.

"It would seem that humanity has expanded quite a lot since the last war, and as I recently discovered, the Roman Empire and Han Dynasty have collapsed eons ago. In their place, many new nations have risen. This represents.....everything I feared." Typhon gazed hatefully at the map.

"Humanity has us surrounded on all sides. This wouldn't be a problem if I hadn't attacked those Humans on Mount Etna. I was foolish and arrogant, just like I was during the Second Fray. I made myself known to the Outsiders. Now that word is spreading amongst them about two enigmatic entities; myself and you, it seems I have become a threat to them, and sooner than I would've hoped."

I worriedly studied the map. "But we....still have the veil, your excellency. Are you worried the Outsiders might know about us? Let alone do anything about this?"

Typhon whipped around to face me. "Open your eyes child! The Outsiders know know our history through their myths and legends!"

I flinched a bit. Seeing this, Typhon relaxed his expression. "I'm saying, Ms. Paige, that the Humans beyond this Veil pose a threat to Atlantis. The longer we allow them to make the connection between their mythology and the sightings, the worse the threat becomes of the Outsiders discovering Atlantis. That threat must simply be eliminated before it leads to a war Atlantis is not yet ready for."

I gaped at him in shock. "My-my mission has something to do with this?"

"OUR mission, Ms. Paige."

Wincing, I locked gazes with those crimson eyes; checking for a tinge of hesitation. I found none.

"I know this may seem like a step too far. But we need to take action against the Outsiders. In my absence from commanding the war in Atlantis, I've been pondering how this can be done. But I have a solution; long and complicated, but a solution."


JANUARY 19th: Hello again readers!

So in this chapter, Typhon sends Siphon to Hyperborea, and expresses worry for the safety of Atlantis.

What questions do y'all have?


Also, what is Typhon's plan?
Find out in the next chapter! Coming soon!

Shards: Intro- Part 2 (old)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora