Wanton Construction! VS Construction Man!

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Construction Yard - 3:30 pm


Mega Man himself was far too distracted to pick their next destination, so Bass had to take the liberty.

The two found themselves high atop an unfinished network of steel beams and girders. Unfortunately, they would have to climb much further up to reach their target.

The Blue Bomber was still catatonic, but the evil robot quickly fixed that with a slap on the face.

"I'm not here to lug around a robot zombie. Wake up already, you overgrown pea shooter." Bass thought for a moment. "Or don't. I never get tired of hurting you. Feels good."

Mega Man apparently ignored those last two statements. "Sorry." He looked at the impressive height above him. "So Bass, how good are you at climbing?"

"If I just had Treble here to carry me up, we wouldn't be having this conversation," Bass grumbled.

"Treble doesn't even like me...or Roll...or Dr. Light, for that matter."

"Exactly," he replied. "You'd drop to your doom, and you would be out of me and Wily's lives forever."

"That was kind of mean, Bass." The blue hero commented, looking hurt.

The evil bot's mouth fell open in mock astonishment. "You don't say!?"

Before this conversation could be carried on any further, both of them felt rumbling coming from beneath them.

"What the..." Bass took a wary look down, only to discover that the unfinished building was crumbling beneath their feet!

"I guess we better start climbing now!" Mega Man suggested.

The two quickly took off and made their way up the girders. No shortage of enemies met them on their journey, especially a pick axe enemy that Mega Man could remember from his earliest days.

About halfway up, the two came to a particularly open section of framework. A crane not unlike one of those used in arcades appeared out of nowhere, threatening to throw them off.

The shots necessary to down the machine were tricky, to say the least.

They had to land the final blow at the center of the claw without falling off or being tossed off. Bass' tact for omni-directional aiming certainly helped, but him having more power to his shots probably would have helped even more. That said, the machine kept the Blue Bomber busy with missiles that were shot out from the "handle" of the crane.

Eventually, they succeeded. Instead of exploding in a blast of flame, however, it simply faded into a holographic nothingness.

Once that was over, the two realized to their chagrin that the ground once again started to fall apart underneath their feet.

With a groan, Bass grabbed his enemy by the hand and double-jumped up some more scaffolding.

Strangely, the enemies disappeared. This left the robots alone, only having the falling debris below to accompany them sound-wise.

"Bass!" Mega Man called at one point.

The purple bot groaned over the noise. "What, weakling?"

"How long have we been climbing?"

"I don't know... Maybe about 10 minutes. Why do you care? Aren't you the one always climbing ladders anyhow?"


Had he had the ability, he would face-palm. "Let me ask you a question. WHY ARE YOU SO STUPID?!"

The voice reverberated throughout the oddly crumbling structure.

Mega Man's face became more serious, not that Bass could see it. "I'm not stupid, Bass, and neither are you. You know we're both highly advanced robots. Apologize."

Bass was about to scream again when another voice cut him off before he could make a sound.

"So it was you two makin' all this noise!"

A copter holding a sheet of metal flew down from nowhere. A robot that didn't look too different from a Sniper Joe sat on it cross-legged. His legs and arms were brown, with silver feet and hands. His torso was yellow and he had on a hard hat which appeared to be directly integrated into his design. He had no visible mouth, strangely enough.

He stared down at the two when he got to the last bit of ironwork, which hung mysteriously in the complete vacuum of nothingness.

"Get on," he commanded. "I don't got all day."

Bass growled. "Shouldn't you be off building a better mouse trap, 'Construction Man'?"

A yellow and black striped shield and a pickaxe weapon materialized in the Robot Master's hands. "I ought to do more than that. After all, I can't let you stop Lord Wily from building his new world order."

Bass looked thoughtful for a moment. "Maybe, when you beg for mercy, I'll have you build me a statue instead of ending you right away."

"No can do," Construction Man shook his head. Then he shot Bass a dark glare. "How 'bout instead, I use this pickaxe to CHISEL YOUR GRAVESTONE. SLEEP WELL!"

The two protagonists jumped on the suspended metal sheet, ready for battle. The Robot Master flung his weapon like a boomerang. It missed Bass but hit his nemesis, sending him careening off the sheet. Before he could meet his doom, however, he was saved once again by none other than Bass through the recoil of a few well-timed shots and an equally skilled double jump routine.

Mega Man didn't have time to react to this gesture, as their mutual enemy continued to press his attack with alternating tosses of his pickaxe and charging attacks with his shield.

After a few minutes of this, Bass looked around and promptly slapped his forehead. They were on a slab of metal in the middle of the sky, after all.

The next time he charged him, Bass put his foot out, tripping him. He barely had time to register being tripped before falling into oblivion.

"Let's go." He went and took the ability info from the shield left on the slab.

"Bass—" Mega Man stopped mid-sentence when he warped away, leaving the hero to his thoughts.

"Why... why won't Bass admit... that he's a hero...?"

Mega Man stood there, dejected, for a few minutes before casually obtaining his weapon and leaving.

Weapon Get: Chisel Axe – Summons a pickaxe that can be used as a weapon or to build things.

Mega Man and Bass: Frenemy MineDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora