Brawl In Light's Lab

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One day in 200X, a man by the name of Dr. Albert Wily decided to take over the world using the robots of Dr. Thomas Light, a fellow scientist and world-renowned robotics expert. In response to this threat, one of Light’s creations, Rock, volunteered to become a fighting robot in order to stop the chaos. Thus, the super fighting robot, Mega Man was born.

The never-ending war for everlasting peace had begun, with Dr. Wily unleashing assault after assault on the world, with Dr. Light’s peace-loving cybernetic son reluctantly suiting up to stop him.

Upwards of 11 major battles have been fought, not including the smaller skirmishes dotting the many years.

Now, however, an unusual lull in the fighting has allowed the Light household a time of peace, and for Rock and his sister Roll to act like the children they look like.

That peace, however, is about to come to an end...


Dr. Light’s Lab: 8:00 AM

Rock hummed a familiar tune as gathered the scraps from his creator's latest project. After the latest uprising of the villainous Dr. Wily, he had to admit that he was enjoying the life of a civilian. It suited him far better than combat.

As he passed the good doctor's workbench, something made him curious...

"What is it you're working on, anyway?"

The old man looked up from his tinkering. "I'm working on a new kind of titanium alloy. In theory, it would be able to take more abuse than even you can right now."

"Okay..." The boy tilted his head as he stared at the material. "Did the government commission you to make this or something?"

"Er... no." He was clearly caught off guard by the question. "Actually, this project is quite a bit bigger than something like that. This one won't be seeing the light of day for quite a while.

"Dr. Light! Your breakfast is ready!"

The female voice was that of Roll, Rock's fellow helper robot and sister.

"I'll be over in a moment, Roll," he called back. He looked back at Rock and gestured to a junk pile on the floor. "Can you take those scraps over there to the recycling bin?"

"Oh, right. Let me get-"

A round of bullets suddenly blasted the door open, with the wreckage sending Rock hurtling to the ground. The scraps he'd picked up so far spilled on the chrome flooring.

The new hole in the doorway revealed the distinctive scowl of a certain purple and black robot. It was none other than Mega Man's arch rival, Bass.

The good doctor was shocked at this, to say the least. "Bass, what are you doing here?"

Bass responded by pointing his arm cannon, the Bass Buster at him. "You shut up!" He set his gaze and gun on Rock. "Where's Dr. Wily?!"

The helper robot was still struggling to his feet. "How would I know? Isn't he usually with you?"

"Hmm..." Bass seemed to deliberate his next decision for a moment. "Liar!"

He fired pellets at Rock, which he scrambled to dodge.

"Quick! In the kitchen!" Rock ordered his father, which the latter obeyed.

Bass kept firing, and his nemesis kept dodging.

Eventually, Rock was left with no choice. He pressed a button on a watch-like device on his arm. In a blinding flash of brilliant blue light, he became the fighting robot known as Mega Man!

Mega Man and Bass: Frenemy Mineحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن